European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea

European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea (EUCCK), formed in 1986, is a trade organization representing the interests of the European Union (EU) business community in Korea. With initial financial support from the European Commission, the EEC Business Group in Korea was formed, with Mr. W. Cozijnsen of ABN AMRO Bank as its first president.In May 1996, the organization's name was changed to European Community Chamber of Commerce in Korea.

The main purpose of the chamber was to help to develop trade, commercial and industrial relations between the EU and South Korea. The overall objective being to achieve reciprocal treatment for EU businesses in South Korea and Korean businesses in the EU.

Since then there have been three other name changes, but the objectives remained the same. In June 1991, the organization became the EC Business Group in Korea, then in June 1993 the European Communities Chamber of Commerce in Korea and finally in June 1995 assumed its present name.

Today, the EUCCK is made up of around 800 members from the EU and local business communities. The various types of membership include Full, Associate, Local, Individual, Honorary and Special. In addition, the chamber introduced a revised membership format from 2005. Three new additional categories of membership - platinum, gold and silver - with enhanced services and facilities were made available. While the earlier categories continue to be in force, those seeking more customized services at discounted rates, in addition to various other benefits, can apply for one of the new categories.

=Past President’s of EUCCK=


The Chamber has the following specific aims:
*To provide its members with general information regarding any developments that may influence their operations in South Korea.
*To coordinate discussions among its members in addressing common problems and opportunities regarding their business activities in South Korea.
*To maintain contacts with high ranking Korean government officials from key ministries as well as other government administrations, local business associations and other lobbying groups.
*To confront the respective Government officials with problems encountered by Members and to recommend changes in the regulations to the appropriate authorities, while monitoring changes in the related legislation.

Having its seat in Seoul, it is also the objective of the Chamber to promote the liberalization of trade and industry in South Korea in conformity with the articles of the World Trade Organization, Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD and the framework Agreement between South Korea and the European Union.

To this end, the Chamber is managed by the Board of Directors with one representative from each EU country having at least one full member of the Chamber in South Korea. Members of the Board of Directors should be EU nationals and their nomination should be a simple majority from amongst the full members of companies representing the relevant country.



The Sectorial Committees (numbering 29) are the backbone as well as the main lobbying tool of the EUCCK. Each Committee is organized around one industry and run by an elected Chairman, sometimes assisted by one Vice-Chairman or Co-Chairman. The Committees develop ideas and thoughts that establish the EUCCK’s overall position on relevant matters in each industry and are essential in outlining main trade barriers to EU companies in South Korea.

Each Committee identifies the problems inhibiting the fair development of EU companies in South Korea and writes a Position Paper outlining the relevant issues. Every year in the first quarter, all Position Papers drafted by the Committees are compiled into a “Trade Issues & Recommendations” booklet. This document is circulated among Government administrations and relevant authorities in Korea and the European Commission (EC). The booklet also serves as a working tool for EC officials in Brussels in their preparation of official meetings with the Korean authorities and can be used by individual European countries in their bilateral talks with South Korea.

Once released, this booklet is reviewed by all relevant Government administrations under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) and Ministry of Finance & Economy that then provide the EUCCK with the official answer of the Korean Government, generally around mid-July, and in printed form.

This official answer is then reviewed by the Committees to track any improvement and is the main source for the drafting of the following year’s “Trade Issues & Recommendations” booklet.Of the 24 sectorial committees, there are a few which require more attention, and for this matter, are organized as separate entities with separate budgets. They include the Automotive Committee, Cosmetics Committee, IPR Committee, Food & Beverages Committee and Beer sub-committee.

Busan Office

The EUCCK opened its Busan office in 1998 to respond to the growing demand from EU companies doing business in this city as well as Gyongsang Province to be represented locally. As like the Seoul Office, the overall objective of the Busan Chapter is to defend the interests of EU businesses in the Busan region and promote closer relations between the municipal authorities of Busan, the Regional authorities of Gyongsan Province and EU officials and companies from its 25 member states.

In order to achieve this general objective, the Busan Chapter has the following specific aims:
*To provide its members with general information regarding any developments that has an influence on their operations in Busan and the neighboring provinces.
*Co-ordinate discussions among its members in addressing common problems and opportunities regarding their business activities in Busan and the neighboring provinces.
*Maintain contacts with high ranking Korean municipal and provincial officials as well as other government administrations, local business associations and other lobbying groups to confront the respective Government officials with problems encountered by Members and to recommend changes in the regulations to the appropriate authorities, while monitoring changes in the related legislation.


The European Union-Korea Industrial Cooperation Agency, is the European liaison office of the EUCCK. EUKICA [] acts as the major player in the development of bilateral business relations, trade promotion and industrial cooperation projects between the EU and the Korean Peninsula.

The primary objective of EUKICA is preserving, advancing and enhancing the community of EU industries and for the advancement of our collective interest by engaging in programs and projects, which are designed to strengthen positioning and activities of EU industries interfacing with Korean industries and government agencies or ministries.

EUKICA now offers full-fledged services, offering proactive assistance to European companies seeking business projects in Korea, and Korean companies wanting to expand operations in Europe.The services include:
*Sector/region specific information about Korea for European clients and similar information on Europe for Korean clients;
*In-depth customized research studies;
*Identifying potential targets and customer prospecting ;
*Developing business opportunities for companies looking for suppliers, distributors and partners in both regions.
*Establish contacts between companies willing to invest in specific sectors or companies, and to organize professional meetings.
*To promote the image and strengthen the brand identity of the European companies, the regions, the provinces, institutions, federations, fair organizers through EUCCK publications and Internet websites to increase the visibility on the Korean market.
*To organize missions to Korea for EU companies and similar trade mission to EU for Korean companies.
*To offer logistics, legal and interpretation assistance.
*To facilitate interaction between companies and local authorities


The Europe-Korea Foundation (EKF) [] is the charity arm of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea (EUCCK). It was established in May 2001. EKF undertakes a variety of programs to further its goals of promoting greater friendship and understanding between the two Koreas and the European Union. EKF programs include scholarships, training seminars, and the support of South Korean charity organizations. EKF provides scholarships for students from both South and North Korea who wish to study at universities all throughout the European Union. EKF also organises a wide variety of training seminars for North Koreans in Asia and Europe. These seminars focus on business, economics, international law, and English help promote a greater understanding of international business practice.

Furthermore, the EKF is doing its utmost to help form a genuine partnership between Korea and Europe, and engage in activities that promote global peace and friendship, thus helping to bring about peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula.

Awards Programmes

“EU-KOREA AWARDS”To commemorate its twentieth anniversary in 2006, the EUCCK announced a new awards program to honor member companies and government authorities who have made a significant contribution to strengthening the relationship between EU and Korea. The event represents an important milestone for EUCCK in the overall strategy of raising the profile of the EU business community in Korea. The Awards will be an annual feature of the Chamber's activities, and EUCCK will also be looking at increasing the categories in the future.The “EU-KOREA AWARDS” will be presented, every year, to the most responsive, efficient and globalized government authorities and EU companies in Korea.As every foreign investor in Korea is aware, without adequate cooperation from the government authorities, it will be near to impossible to smoothly conduct operations here. Many times, the EU companies have been amazed at the efficiency and responsibility displayed by the respective government agencies. However, their contribution is hardly given adequate attention. In order to fill this gap and give credit where it is due, the EUCCK has initiated an annual awards program for government authorities.

The categories of awards for Government Authorities are:

1. GLOBALIZED PARTNERThis award is presented to the Government authority/division, which is most global in its outlook. EU member companies who frequently interact with the government authorities and find them to be on par with international standards are identified and honoured.

2. EFFICIENT PARTNERIn the day to day running of their business operations, EU companies often interact with various government authorities/divisions. Many times they are amazed at the level of efficiency that they encounter, and this award is to show our appreciation.

3. RESPONSIBLE PARTNERThere are many times when the EU member companies have to partner with the government authorities. In such cases, the proactive behaviour and responsibility of the concerned authorities is quite appreciable and deserves to be highlighted.

Many EU companies have shown exemplary performance in their investment initiatives and social responsibilities, contributing immensely to the closer relationship between EU and Korea. To appreciate their contribution, EUCCK has initiated the following three categories of awards:

1. LEADING INVESTOR This award is presented to a company which has shown remarkable corporate behavior in terms of the quantum of investment made, technology brought into Korea and employment generation in 2006. The Awards Committee also takes into account the industry sector in which the company operates and the benefits it brings to the local economy.

2. SOCIAL BENEFACTOR A company that worked voluntarily towards the development of society durign the year is presented this award. It has to demonstrate a clearly defined, measurable long term plan of social responsibility. The scope of work could be in areas like community development, empowerment of vulnerable groups, environmental preservation, education, family welfare, or promotion of arts, crafts and culture.

3.SME STARThe award is given to a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) which has shown agility in overcoming various difficulties and establishing a viable business in Korea in 2006. The potential for future growth is also be taken into account.

ee also

* List of Korea-related topics


External links

* [ European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea]

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