- AP French Literature
Advanced Placement French Literature (or AP French Literature) is an
Advanced Placement course and examination offered by theCollege Board . This course is designed to replicate a collegeFrench literature course forhigh school students. Students study a variety of novels, plays, and poetry, all written in French.Due to low numbers of students taking AP French Literature, it will be discontinued after the 2008-2009 year. [http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2008/04/09/32ap.h27.html]
Required Reading
The works required by the College Board for the 2008 exam were:
* "
Moderato Cantabile " byMarguerite Duras
* "Le Cid " byPierre Corneille
* "Candide " byVoltaire
* "Une Tempête " ("A Tempest") byAime Cesaire
* "Pierre et Jean " ("Pierre and Jean") byGuy de Maupassant
* "L'École des femmes " ("The School for Wives") byMolière
* Poems byCharles Baudelaire ,Jean de la Fontaine ,Joachim du Bellay ,Guillaume Apollinaire , andLouise Labé .Grade Distributions
In the 2007 administration 2,068 students took the exam from 478 schools. The mean score was a 3.30.
The grade distribution for 2007 was:
External links
* [http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/sub_frenchlit.html AP French Literature at CollegeBoard.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.