Edward Creighton

Edward Creighton

Edward Creighton (August 31, 1820 – November 5, 1874) was a prominent pioneer businessman in early Omaha, Nebraska. The brother of John A. Creighton, the Creightons were responsible for founding many institutions that were central to the growth and development of Omaha. Married to Mary Creighton in their native Dayton, Ohio, Edward relied on Mary to carry out his request to create a college, which eventually became Creighton University.


Creighton was born on a farm in Belmont County, Ohio. In the 1840s, he became involved in the freight shipping and telegraph businesses; by 1856, he had become one of the largest builders of telegraph lines in the United States. He married Mary Lucretia Wareham in Dayton, Ohio on October 7, 1856; the couple moved to Omaha after their wedding. He quickly became involved in several business ventures in Omaha, including wagon freighting, merchandising, real estate, banking, railroading and ranching.

In the winter of 1860-61, Creighton surveyed the route of the proposed Transcontinental Telegraph line between Omaha and Sacramento, to be built with the financial support of Western Union. He dug the first post hole for the telegraph line on July 2, 1861; the line was completed on October 24 of that year. During this expedition, Creighton established friendly relationships with a number of tribes along the route. Throughout his life, Creighton championed the cause of native Americans and repeatedly spoke out against their mistreatment. This stance brought him into conflict with the US Army as well as local politicians including his brother, John. Although a devout Catholic, Creighton objected to the manner in which mission schools tried to indoctrinate Indians and suppress their spirituality and culture. He would attend traditional Indian ceremonies and had a large collection of artifacts some of which he would display in the lobby of the banks he owned. This was considered scandalous behavior for the times as was Creighton's habit of hosting horse races on Sunday where beer was served up to his friends and workers. Creighton was also ostracized for having friends and business partners who were Jews and Mormons. Creighton repeatedly rebuffed efforts by others to have him run for office. He despised politicians, particularly the ones in Nebraska, and refused to fund a law school while he was alive replying "I am too fond of the city of Omaha and its populace to ever be a party to the creation of such a den of scoundrels in their midst"

Creighton then turned his attention to banking and railroading. He served as the first president of First National Bank of Omaha and was one of the founders of the Omaha and Northwestern Railroad. The Creighton brothers invested heavily in the Union Pacific Railroad which ran a route parallel to their telegraph line. The Creighton brothers knew both Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas both of whom had stated their desire to construct a trans continental railroad. Edward fought unsuccessfully for Omaha's selection as the eastern terminus of the Union Pacific Railroad (an honor given to Council Bluffs, Iowa). A high ranking railroad official touring early Omaha had been beaten and robbed and the city was considered to be too wild and corrupt for such a venture. During the Civil War, the Creighton brothers were staunch abolitionists and vocally pro-Union. They raised volunteer regiments in Nebraska, Iowa, and Ohio to fight for Mr. Lincoln. John worked in the quartermaster corp and was responsible for stringing telegraph lines between the War office and the mobile fronts. Edward had been told to stay out of Southeast Nebraska and NW Missouri due to threats made against him by Confederate sympathizers who controlled these areas. After the armistice, The Creighton's bought up parcels of land along the railroad route and opened cattle ranches. They began to ship their cattle to Omaha and markets in Kansas. John Creighton opened the first packing plant on land he owned in South Omaha which became the nucleus for the city's huge food processing industry. They encouraged Irish and German immigrants to settle along the route by building Catholic and Lutheran churches along the right of way and seeing to it that the local Indian tribes were placated. All their business ventures thrived and the brothers amassed a considerable fortune. For his church building and other services, John was made a Count of the Catholic Church and given a titled estate on Vatican held lands outside Naples. John took this new title seriously and would often go about the muddy streets of Omaha wearing a sash and a sword to the open scorn and ridicule of his brother.


The community of Benson, Nebraska had its beginning in 1887 when Erastus Benson purchased farm land from Edward Creighton. Both Creighton brothers contributed heavily to social and educational causes in the Omaha area. The Creightons provided the land and buildings for a medical school and were instrumental in bringing doctors from back east. Edward provided the funds for an order of hospital nuns to come to Omaha in the 1860's and a second order shortly thereafter. St. Catherine's and St. Joseph's hospitals were built and staffed as a result of their support. John Creighton also contributed heavily to the construction of a methodist hospital. St. Joseph's entered into a working relationship with the burgeoning railroads in the area and at one time was the largest hospital west of Chicago. After Edward's death, his widow oversaw a further expansion and the hospital was officially renamed as the Creighton Brothers St. Joseph's hospital. It was the prime teaching hospital for the city based medical school which was incorporated into Creighton University in the 1890's.

The present day route of Interstate 80 runs along the course taken by Edward Creighton's telegraph line.

After Creighton's death in 1874, a portion of his estate was used to establish Creighton College, known today as Creighton University. Creighton is a member of the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and the Nebraska Hall of Fame.

In 1905 the Edward Creighton Institute was built at 210 South 18th Street in downtown Omaha. Named in honor of Creighton, it served as the home of Creighton University's law and dental schools from 1905 to 1921, when an expanding enrollment forced both schools to move to other, larger buildings. The Edward Creighton Institute building is now known as the Arthur Building. [(nd) [ Edward Creighton Institute] . Nebraska Memories. Retrieved 6/25/07.]


External links

* [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=12327 Find-A-Grave profile for Edward Creighton]
* [http://www.nps.gov/gosp/research/creighton.htm National Park Service: Edward Creighton]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_dAFlR7KkM The Creightons: Building the Dream]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CewoSycSas The Creightons: Building the Dream]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkacseCDVzk The Creightons: Building the Dream]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vak9SVpxLY8 The Creightons: Building the Dream]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26ZMmH7tDHw The Creightons: Building the Dream]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jDCHuiVkqM The Creightons: Building the Dream]

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