


There are several places named Balmoral.


*Balmoral, New South Wales (Lake Macquarie)
*Balmoral, New South Wales (Sydney)
*Balmoral, New South Wales (Southern Highlands)
*Balmoral, Queensland
*Balmoral, Victoria
*Balmoral, Western Australia


*Balmoral, New Brunswick
*Balmoral Grist Mill Museum, Balmoral Mills, Nova Scotia

Northern Ireland

* The Balmoral Show takes place in the Kings Hall show-ground on the outskirts of Belfast in Northern Ireland and is a major agricultural show which takes place every year.
* The Balmoral area of Belfast incorporates the Lisburn Road, and the Malone Road.
* Balmoral Avenue is a large road which intersects the Lisburn Road and the Malone Road.
* Balmoral Golf Club is also situated nearby.
* Balmoral railway station

New Zealand

* Balmoral, New Zealand, a suburb of Auckland.


* An estate including a small village in the highlands of Scotland, close to Balmoral Castle
* Balmoral Castle: one residence of Queen Elizabeth II
* The Balmoral Hotel, a luxury hotel located in Edinburgh.


* A Balmoral bonnet, named for the Scottish village and castle, is an unbrimmed cap. It may or may not incorporate a toorie (the correct term for the "pompom" on top). It is occasionally seen in Commonwealth military and naval uniforms as well as Scottish Highland dress. Balmorals (and a similar hat called a General Service cap) were worn as field dress by Scottish and Commonwealth soldiers, though sometimes also with more formal uniform, though the glengarry is generally used for the latter purpose.


* "Balmoral" (play), a 1987 play by Michael Frayn


* "Balmoral" (shoe), a type of men's dress shoe


* The MV Balmoral is a passenger ship used for pleasure cruises in the United Kingdom.
* The Balmoral is a cruise ship in use by Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines.

Balmoral Chicken

* Also known as Chicken Balmoral [] , this is a popular Scottish dish comprising chicken breast stuffed with haggis.


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