

Infobox Roman emperor
name =Pacatianus
full name =Tiberius Claudius Marinus Pacatianus
title =Usurper of the Roman Empire

caption =The obverse of this antoninianus celebrates Pacatianus as "undefeated", while the reverse celebrates the 1001st birthday of Rome.
reign ="c." 248 (against Philip the Arab)
predecessor =
successor =
date of death = "c." 248|

Tiberius Claudius Marinus Pacatianus (d. "c." 248) was an usurper in the Danube area of the Roman Empire during the time of Philip the Arab.

He is known from coins, and from mentions in Zosimus and Zonaras, who say that he was an officer in one of the Danube legions. According to Zosimus, the revolts of Pacatianus in Moesia (he probably controlled Viminacium) and Iotapianus in Syria prompted Philip to make an offer to the Roman Senate to step down, but the senator Decius (who was sent by Philip to deal with the rebellion), correctly predicted that Pacatianus would soon be killed by his own men before his own arrival.

External links

* [ Körner essay on usurpers]
* [ Pacatianus coinage]

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