- Jennifer Mundale
Jennifer Mundale,
Ph.D. is an Americanacademic serving as an associate professor on the faculty of theUniversity of Central Florida , whose interests and specializations includecognitive science ,philosophy of mind , andphilosophy of psychology . In 2001 she notably co-edited "Philosophy and the Neurosciences : A Reader" withWilliam Bechtel ,Peter Mandik andRobert Stufflebeam .Publications
A selection of peer-reviewed articles
*Bechtel, W. and Mundale, J. (1999), "Multiple Realizability Revisited: Linking Cognitive and Neural States". "Philosophy of Science", vol. 66 (June 1999), pp. 175-207.
*Mundale, J. (2002), "Concepts of Localization: Balkanization in the Brain", "Brain and Mind", Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 313-330.
*Mundale, J. (2004), "That Way Madness Lies: At the Intersection of Philosophy and Clinical Psychology", "Metaphilosophy", vol. 35 no. 5.
*Mundale, J. (forthcoming), "Revising Traditional Models of Action in Light of Empirical Research", "Journal of Mind and Behavior".Invited Chapters or Articles
*Mundale, J. (2001), "Neuroanatomical Foundations of Cognition". In W. Bechtel, P. Mandik, J. Mundale, and R. S. Stufflebeam (eds.), "Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader". Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 37-54.
*Bechtel, W, Mandik, P., and Mundale, J. (2001), "Philosophy meets the Neurosciences". In W. Bechtel, P. Mandik, J. Mundale, and R. S. Stufflebeam (eds.), "Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader". Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 4-22.
*Mundale, J. (2003), "Evolutionary Psychology and the Information-Processing Model of Cognition", in F. Rauscher and S. Scher (eds.), "Evolutionary Psychology: Alternative Approaches". Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer, pp. 229-241.
*Mundale, J. (in press), "Doing the Impossible with Brains", to be translated into French, in Ennen, E., Poirier, P., Faucher, L. and Racine, E. (eds.), "Des neurones à la philosophie: neurophilosophie et philosophie des neurosciences". ["From Neurons to Philosophy: Neurophilosophy and the Philosophy of Neuroscience"] .Edited books
*Bechtel, W., Mandik, P., Mundale, J., Stufflebeam R., eds., (2001), "Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader". Oxford: Blackwell.
External links
* [http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~jmundale/ Jennifer Mundale's Homepage]
ee also
Multiple realizability
*Functionalism (psychology)
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