

"Evangeline, A Tale of Acadie" is a poem published in 1847 by the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The poem follows an Acadian girl named Evangeline and her search for her lost love Gabriel, set during the time of the Great Upheaval. The work was written in dactylic hexameter reminiscent of Greek and Latin classics, though Longfellow was criticized for the meter. Longfellow got the idea for the poem from his friend Nathaniel Hawthorne and published "Evangeline" in 1847. It has remained one of his most enduring works.


"Evangeline" describes the betrothal of an Acadian girl named Evangeline Bellefontaine to her beloved, Gabriel Lajeunesse, and their separation as the British deport the Acadians from Acadie in the Great Upheaval. The poem then follows Evangeline across the landscapes of America as she spends years in a search for him. Finally she settles in Philadelphia and, as an old woman, works as a nun among the poor. While tending the dying during an epidemic she finds Gabriel among the sick, and he dies in her arms.


The name "Evangeline" means "good news" or "bearer of good news", from Greek "euangelion", meaning "good news" (generally translated, "Gospel").fact|date=May 2008

Poetic structure

The poem is written in dactylic hexameter, possibly inspired by Greek and Latin classics, including Homer, whose work Longfellow was reading at the time he was writing "Evangeline".Williams, Cecil B. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow". New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1964: 151.] He also had recently, in 1841, translated "The Children of the Lord's Supper", a poem by Swedish writer Esaias Tegnér, which also used this meter. "Evangeline" is one of the few nineteenth century compositions in that meter which is still read today.

Some criticized Longfellow's choice to use dactyllic hexameter, including poet John Greenleaf Whittier, who said the poem would have been better in a similar prose style as Longfellow's "Hyperion". Longfellow was conscious of the potential criticism. When sending a copy of the poem to Bryan Procter, Longfellow wrote: "I hope you will not reject it on account of the metre. In fact, I could not write it "as it is" in any other; it would have changed its character entirely to have put it into a different measure." [Wagenknecht, Edward. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Portrait of an American Humanist". New York: Oxford University Press, 1966: 129.] Even Longfellow's wife Fanny defended his choice, writing to a friend: "It enables greater richness of expression than any other, and it is sonorous like the sea which is ever sounding in Evangeline's ear". [Williams, Cecil B. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow". New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1964: 150.] As an experiment, Longfellow reassured himself that he was using the best meter by attempting a passage in blank verse. Even so, while looking over the proofs for a second edition, Longfellow briefly wished he had used a different poetic structure:

Composition and publication history

Longfellow was introduced to the true story of the Acadians in Nova Scotia by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne and Longfellow had attended Bowdoin College together, though they were not friends at the time. [Miller, Edwin Haviland. "Salem Is My Dwelling Place: A Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne". Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1991: 72. ISBN 0877453322.] Years later, in 1837, Hawthorne contacted Longfellow for his opinion on his recently-published tales in the "North American Review", which Longfellow praised as works of genius; the two became lifelong friends. [McFarland, Philip. "Hawthorne in Concord". New York: Grove Press: 5859. ISBN 0802117767.] Hawthorne was not interested in fictionalizing it so Longfellow turned it into a poem after months of studying the histories of Nova Scotian families. [Nelson, Randy F. "The Almanac of American Letters". Los Altos, California: William Kaufmann, Inc., 1981: 182. ISBN 086576008X] Longfellow, who had never visited the setting of the true story, relied heavily on Thomas Chandler Haliburton's "An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia" and other books for further background information. [Williams, Cecil B. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow". New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1964: 150.] "Evangeline" was published in book form on November 1, 1847, [Calhoun, Charles C. "Longfellow: A Rediscovered Life". Boston: Beacon Press, 2004: 189. ISBN 0807070262.] and by 1857 it had sold nearly 36,000 copies.Williams, Cecil B. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow". New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1964: 155.] During this time, Longfellow's literary payment was at its peak; for "Evangeline", he received "a net of twenty-five and sixteenths per cent" royalties, believed to be an all-time high for a poet. [Wagenknecht, Edward. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Portrait of an American Humanist". New York: Oxford University Press, 1966: 231.]

Longfellow said of his poem: "I had the fever a long time burning in my own brain before I let my hero take it. 'Evangeline' is so easy for you to read, because it was so hard for me to write".

Critical response and impact

"Evangeline" became Longfellow's most famous work in his lifetime and was widely read.Williams, Cecil B. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow". New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1964: 82.] Contemporary reviews were very positive. A reviewer for the "Metropolitan" said, "No one with any pretensions to poetic feeling can read its delicious portraiture of rustic scenery and of a mode of life long since defunct, without the most intense delight". Longfellow's friend Charles Sumner said he had met a women who "has read 'Evangeline' some twenty times and thinks it the most perfect poem in the language". Other admirers of the poem included King Leopold I of Belgium. [Wagenknecht, Edward. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Portrait of an American Humanist". New York: Oxford University Press, 1966: 148.] It has been called the first important long poem in American literature. [Wagenknecht, Edward. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Portrait of an American Humanist". New York: Oxford University Press, 1966: 8.]

Though Longfellow had no links to the Acadians or Louisiana, the Cajuns have adopted his story into their culture. In 1934, the first state park in Louisiana was named the Longfellow-Evangeline State Park. [Williams, Cecil B. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow". New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1964: 155156.] "Evangeline" has become relatively common among the descendants of the Acadians.

Later works of fiction expanded upon the material of the poem, claiming the "real names" of the characters had been "Emmeline LaBiche" (in Longfellow her full name is Evangeline Bellefontaine) and "Louis Arceneaux" (in the poem, Gabriel Lajeunesse). Among sites which claim a relation to these pseudohistorical figures are a house north of Lafayette, Louisiana, which supposedly belonged to Gabriel, and the grave of Emmeline in the Perpetual Adoration Garden & Historic Cemetery in St. Martin de Tours Church Square, on Main Street, St. Martinville (the site having been determined for its convenience by local boosters about the turn of the 20th century). A statue of Emmeline stands nearbyposed for by silent film star Dolores Del Rio, who starred in the 1929 film "Evangeline", and donated to the town by the film's cast and crew.

References to Evangeline in real life

Evangeline is the name of a Parish in Louisiana, a rural community in Prince Edward Island, and a small settlement in the Acadian Peninsula in New Brunswick. It is also often used as a street name in Acadian communities.

The first Canadian film produced in 1913 was Evangeline.fact|date=May 2008 A popular French song titled "Evangeline" written in 1971 by Michel Conte and originally sung by Isabelle Pierre is based on her story. This song, performed by Annie Blanchard, won the 2006 ADISQ award for "Most popular song". [cite web |url=http://www.cbc.ca/arts/story/2006/10/30/adisq-2006.html |title=Ariane Moffatt, Pierre Lapointe win deuces at ADISQ awards |date=2006-10-30 |accessdate=2007-01-10 |publisher=CBC] The Evangeline Trail is a historic route in Nova Scotia that traces the Annapolis Valley, ancestral home of the Acadians. Picturesque especially in Summer and Fall, the trail runs from Grand Pré, site of the first expulsions, south to Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia near the original French settlement in North America, Port Royal, Nova Scotia. More than a dozen small Acadian villages line the trail.A 1998 musical adaptation of the story was recorded and released on CD, and a 1999 production staged at the Strand Theatre in Shreveport, Louisiana was taped and broadcast by PBS in 2000.


External links

* [http://books.google.com/books?id=KXQCAAAAYAAJ&dq=evangeline+longfellow&pg=PP1&ots=4s2Gj1ffT5&sig=4ks1I3jdVrWe0vXxIsdQYeBhcC4&hl=en&prev=http://www.google.com/search%3Fq%3DEvangeline%2BLongfellow%26ie%3Dutf-8%26oe%3Dutf-8%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26client%3Dfirefox-a&sa=X&oi=print&ct=title&cad=one-book-with-thumbnail 1850 edition of "Evangeline"] at Google Book Search
* [http://www.crt.state.la.us/Parks/ilongfell.aspx Longfellow-Evangeline State Park] in Louisiana
* [http://www.grand-pre.com Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada]

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  • Evangeline — Evangéline  Pour l’article homonyme, voir Évangéline (homonymie).  Statue d Évangéline héroïne de la déportation des Acadiens à …   Wikipédia en Français

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