- Bertrand Ramcharan
Dr. Bertrand G. Ramcharan, from Guyana, a former
United Nations (UN ) official who once held functional diplomatic status, is Chancellor of theUniversity of Guyana ,Senior Fellow at the Ralph Bunche Institute forInternational Studies and currently VisitingProfessor ofInternational Law inLund University ,Sweden . Dr. Ramcharan is the first holder of the HEI Swiss Chair of Human Rights at the at the GenevaGraduate Institute of International Studies . He has adoctorate from the London School ofEconomic s and is aBarrister ofLincoln's Inn .Work
Dr. Bertrand Ramcharan was in the
UN Secretariat for 32 years. He served in the position of Deputy and then ActingUN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2003-2004), before MadamLouise Arbour , at the level ofUnder -Secretary-General , having previously worked for HerExcellency Mrs.Mary Robinson , formerPresident of Ireland , when she subsequently became UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Previously he had been Director with the Internationalpeacemaker s and peacekeepers in the FormerYugoslavia , Director of theAfrica I Division of the Department ofPolitical Affairs , and head of the speech-writing service of theUN Secretary-General . He has taught as anAdjunct Professor atColumbia University and at the GenevaGraduate Institute of International Studies (HEI). He is the author of numerous books oninternational law ,human rights and the United Nations.*Dr. Ramcharan is married and has one son.
External links
* [http://www.ohchr.org/EN/AboutUs/Pages/Ramcharan.aspx Bertrand Ramcharan OHCHR]
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