

__NOTOC__The term Rona or RONA may refer to:

; Places
*North Rona, a Scottish island in the North Atlantic
*South Rona, a Scottish island in the Inner Hebrides
*Rona, Switzerland
* Tinizong-Rona, Swiss municipality
*Rona, Latvia
*Rona, a peninsula/island of the Isle of May in Scotland

; People
*Rona Ambrose (b. 1969), a Conservative Member of Parliament in the Canadian House of Commons and cabinet minister
* Jeff Rona (b. 1957), American film composer
* Rona (tribe) on of the scheduled tribes of India.

; In fiction and mythology
* Rona, a fictional character in the Japanese anime series "Ojamajo Doremi"
*Rona, a minor character on the American television program "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
* Rona, a legendary Maori woman who cursed the moon. Her legend is intertwined with that of the "Myoporum laetum" tree

; Other uses
*"Rona" (1892) a racing yacht built in 1892 in New Zealand, named after the Rona of Maori legend
*Rona (company), a Canadian hardware distributor
*Russian National Liberation Army, also known as the Kaminski Brigade, which fought for the Nazis in World War II
*Return on net assets, a measure of a company's financial performance which takes the use of assets into account

ee also

* Ronay

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