- Moral hierarchy
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Moral equivalence — is a term used in political debate, usually to criticize any denial that a moral hierarchy can be assessed of two sides in a conflict, or in the actions or tactics of two sides. The term originates from a 1906 address by William James entitled… … Wikipedia
hierarchy of credibility — A concept introduced by (in ‘Whose Side Are We On?’, Social Problems, 1967), to capture social inequalities and the moral hierarchy of society. For Becker, those at the top (of an organization or a society) are seen to be more credible, those at… … Dictionary of sociology
Hierarchy of the Early Church — • The word hierarchy is used here to denote the three grades of bishop, priest, and deacon (ministri) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Hierarchy of the Early Church Hierarchy of the Early Church … Catholic encyclopedia
Moral psychology — is a field of study in both philosophy and psychology. Some use the term moral psychology relatively narrowly to refer to the study of moral development.[1] However, others tend to use the term more broadly to include any topics at the… … Wikipedia
Moral Theology — • Limited to those doctrines which discuss the relations of man and his free actions to God and his supernatural end, and propose the means instituted by God for the attainment of that end Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Moral Theology … Catholic encyclopedia
Moral Mazes — (ISBN 0 19 506080 6), named the Most Outstanding Business and Management Book of 1988 by the Association of American Publishers[citation needed] … Wikipedia
Hierarchy of genres — [ landscape. Themistokles von Eckenbrecher, View of Laerdalsoren, on the Sognefjord , oil on canvas, 1901.] A hierarchy of genres is any formalization which ranks different types of genres in an art form in terms of their value. The most well… … Wikipedia
Moral status of animals in the ancient world — The 21st century debates about animal welfare and animal rights can be traced back to the ancient world. The idea that the use of animals by humans for food, clothing, entertainment, and as research subjects is morally acceptable, springs mainly… … Wikipedia
Moral Majority — Jerry Falwell, whose founding of the Moral Majority was a key step in the formation of the New Christian Right The Moral Majority was a political organization of the United States which had an agenda of evangelical Christian oriented political… … Wikipedia
Social hierarchy — is a multi tiered pyramid like social or functional structure having an apex as the centralization of power. The term can also be applied to animal societies, but the term dominance hierarchy is preferred most times. Typically, institutions such… … Wikipedia