Joshua Steiner

Joshua Steiner

Joshua Steiner is a founder and managing principal of New York City based private investment firm Quadrangle Group, which invests in media and communications companies in the United States and Europe. Prior to the formation of Quadrangle Group in March 2000, he was a Managing Director at Lazard Frères & Co. LLC, where he was a member of the firms Media and Communications Group.

Previously Steiner was Chief of Staff of the U.S. Treasury Department in the Clinton Administration. He came into National news as a result of the Whitewater investigations. His diary was under supoena during the Whitewater investigation.( NYT 1994). He testified before the Senate Banking Committee on August 2, 1994. Where he testified the entries were not "intended to be a precise narrative" of events. Joshua Steiner, 28-year at the time told about his writing on Roger Altman and Bill Clinton and their knowledge of the Resolution Trust Corporation's investigation into Whitewater and Madison Guaranty. Also Bernard W. Nussbaum's reaction to the information. Steiner under oath disowned his own diary writings a few times. Controversy around this odd testimony remains. Repeating the information to every question he noted "I'm sure you're getting tired of hearing it." John Kerry said it was "very refreshing, very honest" diary and "You're the kind of person we need involved in public service,". Mr. Steiner's attorney for this event was Reid Weingarten. In 1993 Altman served as the Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury under Clinton, but resigned in 1994 because of his record-keeping scandal [ [] CNN "Cast of Characters" 1999] ] [ [] CNN T"he RTC Investigation" July 7, 1997] .

George Stephanopoulos reported calling on Joshua Steiner, over Jay B. Stephens, United States Associate Attorney General, he asked "asked how Jay Stephens had come to be retained by the RTC as Stephens had claimed Clinton acted improper over Madison Guaranty and Jim McDougal. In February 1993 when Clinton fired all 93 U.S. Attorneys appointed by George H.W. Bush, Stephens was fired at this time also, he worked on the Dan Rostenkowski case. Steiner said at the RTC, Stephens could be be trusted. Stephanopoulos said "Once I got the facts from Josh, that ended the matter, as far as I was concerned." Paula Casey was appointed by Bill Clinton at this time also and declined the criminal referral on Madison Guaranty, that led to the special investigation.

Joshua Steiner was never charged with wrongdoing in the investigation and ultimately left the administration well after the matter concluded.

He later serves on the Board of Trustees of the New York Public Library, Phillips Academy, Andover and the Enterprise Foundation of New York, an organization that helps develop and maintain affordable housing. Steiner is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations where he is on the Board of Advisors of Foreign Affairs. He graduated from Yale University with a B.A. in History and later received a M.St. in modern history from Oxford University.


* "Journal; A Blip on the Screen" NY Times, August 4, 1994 []

* "THE WHITEWATER AFFAIR: ASSESSMENT; Bentsen Aide's Lessons, Penned in Diaries, Emerge Painfully in Public" NY Times, August 3, 1994 []

* "Treasury Department's Counsel Resigns" NY Times, August 19, 1994 []
* "Historical Encyclopedia of U.S. Independent Counsel" Page 6. [,M1]


* THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE'S HANDLING OF THE RTC CRIMINAL REFERRALS AND THE CONTACTS BETWEEN THE WHITE HOUSE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, Chapter 2, White House Treasury Contacts, 13. Roger Altman Discussed the White House Meeting with Joshua Steiner. Page 64 []


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