

Infobox Music genre
stylistic_origins= Afro-Venezuelan, Spanish, and Indigenous traditions.
cultural_origins= Mix between popular and religious beliefs
instruments= cuatro, guitar, maracas drums
popularity= Carabobo, Aragua, Cojedes and Miranda states from Venezuela

Parranda or Parranda de aguinaldo are musical sorts, from the coast zone of the states Aragua and Carabobo, in Venezuela, where the tambora (drum) becomes present as accompanying instrument, with an important Afro-Venezuelan influence.

On this states, the tradition has established a clear difference between the aguinaldo and parranda like musical expressions. The Parranda from the coast, have a strong afrovenezuelan influence, and according to investigations made by the specialist "Carlos García", parrandas can do without furro (Friction drum), and other instruments with no relation with the Christmas tradition. On the other hand, the parranda lyrics treats about popular personages, also about Jesus, or Christmas.

One of the Venezuelan groupings that have been in charge to present parranda throughout all the national geography is Un Solo Pueblo, that from 1970 have been one of the main protagonists of the diffusion, without precedents of the folk music. With the parranda "“El Cucuy que alumbra”," compiled in "Cuyagua", the Querales brothers - "Jesus, Florentino" and "Ismael"-, founders of the grouping, began an indetenible process of masification of this musical expression.

Central Parranda

Name that receives the musical genre, pertaining to the states Aragua, Cojedes and Carabobo, that is organized at Christmas time, is executed with a solo singer, and a choir, improvising about religious and popular subjects. The accompanying instruments are cuatro, guitar, drum, furro, "chapero, chineco", maracas and "tres". Like part of the tradition, the members of the parranda central groupings, take a flag and a star, also use hats and "pañolones" with the colors that identify the group. Between these parranda groups, they emphasize: "Verde Clarita", "La flor de Cojedes", "Las parrandas Union de Santa Elena" and the " Turpiales de Aragua. "

At the present time, has occurred a process of modernizations of the "parranda central" that is leading to the multiplication of the groups that execute this sort. These new grouping begin their activities from the months of May and June, with the intention of their economic profit, to record new albums and the projection through the radio stations. The intention of change the tradition genre, has taken to the use of instruments like the keyboard, also extend the lyrics of the parranda about popular personages or friends, to the social protest. In spite of the transformations of these groups, they conserve the use of the improvisation with traditional instruments like: cuatro, tambora and furro.

San Pedro Parranda

The San Pedro Parranda is celebrated at the populations of Guarenas and Guatire, Miranda, Venezuela, each June 29. It consists in a dramatic representation carried out by the following personages: "el Abanderado, San Pedro, el Cargador, María Ignacia, los Tucusitos, los Sampedreños Danzantes, La Diabla, el Sampedreñito" and the "Músicos-Cantores".

The popular history says that this celebration was originated in the XIX century, when the slave "Maria Ignacia" started to sing and dance in the town with her daughter thanking "San Pedro" (Saint Peter) for the treatment of her daughter. The tradition says that a year after that, Maria Ignacia repeated the ritual, and after she die, her husband continued maintaining the ritual, reason for which the man disguise like a woman. The celebration begins the previous day with songs and dances until the midnight. On the following day a mass is made in honor to the saint. The image of San Pedro, leaves in procession by the town. During this, the "Sampedreños" sings songs, along with instruments like: cuatro, maraca and a round drum. Some personages of this parranda made sound with their shoes against the floor. In the population of Guatire the encounter of the saints takes place: "San Pedro" (Saint Peter) and "San Juan" (Saint John).

See also

*Venezuelan music
*Parrandas Festivity in northern Villa Clara province, Cuba.


*"Atlas de Tradiciones de Venezuela", Fundación Bigott, 1998.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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