- 1617 in science
The year 1617 in
science andtechnology involved some significant events.Discoveries
* The
hypogaeum of the family Cornelii Scipiones is discovered, and it is later excavated and pillaged in1780 ‑81.Technology
Napier’s Bones (or theRabdologia ), a clever multiplication tool is invented by mathematicianJohn Napier (1550-1617), a baron ofScotland .Publications
John Napier - "Rabdologiae", describing theNapier’s Bones calculation device.Births
Ralph Cudworth , the most systematic thinker among the group known as theCambridge Platonists (d. 1688).Deaths
February 6 -Prospero Alpini , Italian physician and botanist (born1553 )
*April 4 -John Napier , Scottish mathematician (born1550 )
*May 7 -David Fabricius Frisian astronomer (born1564 )
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