

Alphapets was a series of children's books by Ruth Lerner Perle, Deborah Colvin Borgo, Judy Blankenship and Richard Max Kolding. They were similar to the Sweet Pickles books and each letter of the alphabet was represented in a separate book with an animal for each letter of the alphabet. Each story was filled with words and objects that begin with the letter of the alphabet featured in that book. A special word page at the end of each book provided extra practice in identifying letters and words. They were published in the early 1990s. In the future a similar series called the Eurps will come out, featuring not animals, but anthropomorphic letters of the alphabet.

Books included:
*A - Albert's special day
*B - Bradley and The Great Swamp Mystery
*C - Connie, Come Home
*D - Delilah's Delightful Dream
*E - Emmy, You're The Greatest
*F - Fenton and the Magic Bag
*G - Gertie's Great Gifts
*H - Herbie's Gappy Day
*I - Ivy Can't Wait
*J - Justin's Just Joking
*K - Katy's Surprise
*L - Lizzy at Last
*M - Monty See Monty Do
*N - Nelly, That's Not Nice
*O - Ollie's Folly
*P - Perry's Not So Perfect Day
*Q - Queenie's Secret
*R - Rupert to the Rescue
*S - Sylvester and the Sand Castle
*T - Tina Tells the Truth
*U - Una Cheers Us Up
*V - Vinnie Takes a Bow
*W - Wendy's Clubhouse
*X - Xavier and the Laughing Xoxos
*Y - Yori and Yetta
*Z - Ziggy and the Zig-Zag Race

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