

A soufflé is a light, fluffy, baked dish made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a savory main dish or sweetened as a dessert. The word soufflé is the past participle of the French verb "souffler" which means "to blow up" or more loosely "puff up" — an apt description of what happens to this combination of custard and egg whites. Every soufflé is made from 2 basic components:
# a French Creme patissiere base/flavored cream sauce or purée
# Egg whites beaten to a soft peak meringue. The base provides the flavor and the whites provide the "lift". Foods commonly used for the base in a soufflé include jam. fruits, berries, cheese, chocolate, banana and lemon (the last three are used for desserts, often with a good deal of sugar).When it comes out of the oven, a soufflé should be puffed up and fluffy, and will generally fall after 5 or 10 minutes (as risen dough does).

Soufflés can be made in containers of all shapes and sizes but it is traditional to make soufflé in "soufflé cups" or ramekins. These containers vary greatly in size, but are typically glazed white, flat-bottomed, round porcelain containers with unglazed bottoms and fluted exterior borders.

There are a number of variations on the soufflé theme. One is an ice cream soufflé. This combines a soufflé with ice cream and either a fruit or a hot sauce.

There are many variations, but there are different kinds of "soufflés" such as the Ice Cream Soufflé. Not to be mistaken with the one above. The Ice cream soufflé AKA glace soufflé is a cold treat which is sometimes soft and fluffy and cold or others variations include a meringue covered ice cream. A simple recipe of the ice cream soufflé is made from eggs, sugar, and whipped cream and frozen overnight. It can be eaten alone or topped with syrups. [cite news|url=|title=La grande bouffe|last=Solal|first=Eric|work=The Guardian|date=2002-11-23|accessdate=2008-09-23]

In popular culture

The soufflé, because of its tendency to fall rather quickly, has been displayed in many forms of media, especially cartoons and children's programs, as very difficult to survive outside the oven for more than a short time. Some jest that a poke or a loud noise will make a soufflé collapse.


External links

* [ BBC: Cheese Soufflé]
* [ BBC: Cheese Soufflé for beginners]
* [ Cooking For Engineers: Dark Chocolate Soufflé] Complete with step by step pictures
* [ Black Truffle Soufflé Illustrated recipe step-by-step in English]
* [ Full definition from Dufflet, with cold soufflé explanation]

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  • souffle — [ sufl ] n. m. • XIIIe; sofle 1150; de souffler A ♦ 1 ♦ Mouvement de l air que l on produit en expirant avec une certaine force (⇒ souffler). Éteindre dix bougies d un seul souffle. On le renverserait d un souffle (tant il est faible). ♢ Le fait… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • soufflé — souffle [ sufl ] n. m. • XIIIe; sofle 1150; de souffler A ♦ 1 ♦ Mouvement de l air que l on produit en expirant avec une certaine force (⇒ souffler). Éteindre dix bougies d un seul souffle. On le renverserait d un souffle (tant il est faible). ♢… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Soufflé — Ein Soufflé bzw. Soufflee (von französisch souffle = Hauch, Atem) ist eine leichte Eierspeise bzw. ein Auflauf (süß als Mehlspeise, aber auch mit Käse, Gemüse oder Fisch, Krebsen, Fleisch zubereitet), deren luftige Größe (Höhe) aus der Verbindung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • souffle — Souffle. s. m. Vent que l on fait en poussant de l air par la bouche avec force. Il vous renverseroit d un souffle. il est si maigre qu on le renverseroit du moindre souffle. Il se dit aussi, De l agitation de l air causée par le vent. Il ne fait …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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  • Souffle — Souf fle, n. [F.] (Med.) A murmuring or blowing sound; as, the uterine souffle heard over the pregnant uterus. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • souffle — (n.) 1813, from Fr. soufflé, noun use of pp. of souffler puff up, from L. sufflare, from sub under, up from under + flare to blow (see BLOW (Cf. blow) (v.1)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • soufflé — (del francés; pronunciamos suflé ) sustantivo masculino 1. Área: cocina Plato elaborado con cualquier alimento mezclado con claras de huevo batidas a punto de nieve y cocido al horno: soufflé de espinacas, souffé de gambas …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

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