Thallium(I) iodide

Thallium(I) iodide

Chembox new
Name = Thallium(I) iodide
ImageFile = Thallium-iodide-3D-vdW.png ImageName = Thallium(I) iodide
OtherNames = thallium monoiodide
thallous iodide
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 7790-30-9

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = TlI
MolarMass = 331.2878 g/mol
Appearance = yellow crystals
red crystals above 170 °C
Density = 7.29 g/cm3, solid
Solubility = insoluble
MeltingPt = 442°C
BoilingPt = 823°C

Section7 = Chembox Hazards
EUClass = not listed

Thallium(I) iodide (TlI) is a chemical compound of formula TlI. It is unusual in being one of the few water-insoluble metal iodides, along with AgI, PbI2 and HgI2.

TlI can be formed in aqueous solution by metathesis of any soluble thallium salt with iodide ion. It is also formed as a by-product in thallium-promoted iodination of phenols with thallium(I) acetate.

Attempts to oxidise TlI to thallium(III) iodide fail, since oxidation produces the thallium(I) triiodide, Tl+I3.

The room temperature form of TlI is yellow and has an orthorhombic structure which can be considered to be a distorted NaCl structure. The distorted structure is believed to be caused by favourable thallium-thallium interactions, the closest Tl-Tl distance is 383pm. [cite journal
title = Thallium Halides - New Aspects of the Stereochemical Activity of Electron Lone Pairs of Heavier Main-Group Elements
author = Anja-Verena Mudring
journal = European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
volume = 2007
issue = 6
pages = 882–890
doi = 10.1002/ejic.200600975
year = 2007
] At 175°C the yellow form transforms to a red CsCl form. Under high pressure, 160kbar, it becomes a metallic conductor.

Applications include:
*Added to mercury arc lamps to improve their performance [G. H. Reiling, "Characteristics of Mercury Vapor-Metallic Iodide Arc Lamps," J. Opt. Soc. Am. 54, 532- (1964)] The light produced is mainly in the blue green part of the visible light spectrum least absorbed by water, so these have been used for underwater lighting. [ Underwater Journal and information bulletin, IPC Science and Technology Press, (1973), p 245]
*Used in trace amounts with NaI or CsI to produce a scintillator used in radiation scintillation detectors.

Thallium(I) iodide is, like all thallium compounds, highly toxic. Conditions/substances to avoid are: heat.

ee also

*Thallium halides
*Thallium(I) chloride

General references

* [ WebElements]


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