Multipath — Multipath технология подключения узлов сети хранения данных с использованием нескольких маршрутов. Multipath устройства появляются на целевом узле в нескольких экземплярах, после чего объединяются в одно устройство с помощью… … Википедия
Multipath I/O — In computer storage, multipath I/O is a fault tolerance and performance enhancement technique whereby there is more than one physical path between the CPU in a computer system and its mass storage devices through the buses, controllers, switches … Wikipedia
Multipath — En télécommunications sans fil, le multipath est un phénomène qui se produit lorsqu’un signal radio se propage par plusieurs chemins et est reçu sur une antenne. Les causes de l’atténuation multipath sont la réflexion sur l’ionosphère, réfraction … Wikipédia en Français
multipath — ˈməltə̇+ˌ adjective Etymology: multi + path, n. : of, relating to, or resulting from the propagation of electric waves over a number of different paths multipath transmission multipath phenomena * * * n … Useful english dictionary
Multipath I/O — Se ha sugerido que este artículo o sección sea fusionado con SCSI (discusión). Una vez que hayas realizado la fusión de artículos, pide la fusión de historiales aquí. MultiPath I/O. Es una metodología de acceso a disco. En principio surgió como… … Wikipedia Español
Multipath routing — is the routing technique of using multiple alternative paths through a network, which can yield a variety of benefits such as fault tolerance, increased bandwidth, or improved security. The multiple paths computed might be overlapped, edge… … Wikipedia
Multipath interference — is a phenomenon in the physics of waves whereby a wave from a source travels to a detector via two or more paths and, under the right condition, the two (or more) components of the wave interfere. Multipath interference is a common cause of… … Wikipedia
Multipath propagation — This article is about the electromagnetic propagation phenomenon. For the computing storage term, see Multipath I/O. For the routing term, see Multipath Routing. In wireless telecommunications, multipath is the propagation phenomenon that results … Wikipedia
multipath movie — n. An interactive CD or Internet based movie that enables viewers to choose from several different plot lines. Example Citation: Moloshok won t say which other Warner Bros. characters will find an interactive home at Entertaindom. But he ll have… … New words
Multipath On-demand Routing — The Multipath On demand Routing (MOR) protocol is a protocol to connect nodes in wireless sensor networks. It is an Ad Hoc Routing Protocol which is reactive or on demand, meaning that it establishes routes as needed. The advantage of this… … Wikipedia