Berthold Laufer

Berthold Laufer

name = Berthold Laufer

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birth_date = birth date|1874|10|11|mf=y
birth_place = Cologne, Germany
death_date = death date and age|1934|9|13|1874|10|11|mf=y
death_place = Chicago, Illinois
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field = Anthropology
work_institution = American Museum of Natrural History
Columbia University
Field Museum
alma_mater =
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
known_for =
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author_abbreviation_zoo =
prizes =
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Berthold Laufer (October 11, 1874 – September 13, 1934) was a German-American anthropologist, orientalist.

Born in Cologne to a Jewish family, Laufer attended the Friedrich Wilhelms Gymnasium from 1884-1893. He continued his studies in Berlin (1893-1895) and completed his doctorate degree at the University of Leipzig in 1897. The following year he emigrated to the United States where he remained until his death. He carried out ethnographic fieldwork on the Amur River and Sakhalin Island during 1898-1899 as part of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. He worked as assistant in Ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History (1904-1906), became a lecturer in Anthropology and East-Asiatic Languages at Columbia University (1905-1907). The rest of his career he spent at the Field Museum in Chicago. (cf. obituary JAOS 55.4 (1934): 349-362). He died upon leaping from the roof of the hotel in which he lived in Chicago.

Literary works

* 1899 "Petroglyphs on the Amoor", Oct. 1899
* 1909 "Chinese pottery of the Han-dynasty", 1909
* 1911 "Jade", 1911
* 1914 "Chinese clay figure", 1914
* 1915 "The diamond", 1915
* 1917 "The Beginnings of Porcelain in China", 1917

Works in Tibetan Studies

*1898-9. “Über das va zur. Ein Beitrag zur Phonetik der tibtischen Sprache”. "Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes" 12: 289-307. 13: 95ff.
*1914. “Bird divination among the Tibetans (notes on document Pelliot no 3530, with a study of Tibetan phonology of the ninth century)” "T’oung Pao" 15. (1914): 1-110; Hartmut Walravens and Lokesh Chandra, eds. "Sino-Tibetan Studies", vol 2. New Delhi: Rakesh Goel, 1987: 354-463.
*1916–18. “Loan Words in Tibetan,” "T’oung Pao" 17, 404-552; Hartmut Walravens and Lokesh Candra, eds. "Sino-Tibetan Studies". Vol 2. New Delhi: Rakesh Goel, 1987: 483-632.


* "Kleinere Schriften von Berthold Laufer." Hartmut Walravens, ed. (Sinologica Coloniensia ; Bd. 2, 7, 13). Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1976-1992. 3 volumes. (a collection of many of his essays and many relevant documents)
*"Sino-Tibetan Studies". Hartmut Walravens and Lokesh Candra, eds. 2 vols. New Delhi: Rakesh Goel, 1987

External links

* [ Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History] - Objects from Laufer China Expedition 1901-1904 (section Collections Online, option "Collections Highlights").

* [ Field Museum press release Berthold Laufer, Father of the Collection]

* [ Field Museum Library Special Collections Laufer Materials] The Library of the Field Museum contains many of the print materials from Laufer's personal collections. [ Search the Library Card Catalog]

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