Rufinus of Assisi

Rufinus of Assisi

Infobox Saint
name=Saint Rufinus of Assisi
death_date=3rd Century
feast_day=30 July
venerated_in=Roman Catholicism

major_shrine=Cathedral of San Rufino
According to legend, Rufinus of Assisi (sometimes "Rufino") is the patron saint of Assisi, Italy, and was the first bishop of Assisi. He was responsible for converting Assisi to Christianity in 238 A.D. (it should be noted that there is some dispute as to whether these events took place in the first or third century). He is said to have died as a martyr at Costano, but there is no historical record of this. He is likely the same saint denoted in Latin as "Episcopus Marsorum" (Bishop of the Marche).

His remains were put to rest in a Roman sarcophagus. The front is sculpted in low relief with the myth of Diana and Endymion. It is now located under the main altar of the Cathedral of San Rufino, which is the third church to have been erected over his remains.

The feast day of this saint is 30 July.


* "Bibliotheca hagiographica latina", II, 1068; Elisei la icon
* "Studio sulla chiesa cattedrale di S. Rufino" (Assisi, 1893) it icon
* D. de Vincentiis, "Notizie di S. Rufino" (Avezzano, 1885)] it icon
* Ekkart Sauser, "Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon", Band XXI (2003) Spalten 1284-1285 de icon

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