As You Sow

As You Sow

As You Sow is an non-profit corporation.



A safe, just, and sustainable world in which protecting the environment and human rights are central to corporate decision making.


To promote environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies.


As You Sow was founded in 1992 and has grown into two programs that strive to increase corporate accountability. The Environmental Enforcement Program seeks to reduce and remove carcinogenic exposures by pursuing compliance with California's Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act. Our Environmental Enforcement Program has reached settlements with hundreds of companies resulting in products being relabled or reformulated to remove hazardous ingredients. Restitution secured through this work is disbursed through grants to support community-based organizations also fighting toxics contamination and exposures throughout the state.

In 1997, As You Sow launched the Corporate Social Responsibility Program (CSRP) to use shareholder advocacy and the financial markets to catalyze positive change within publicly held companies. We have led or actively participated in shareholder dialogues and resolutions moving companies towards greater environmental sustainability and social equity. This program accepts foundation grants and individual donations.

Program Areas

The Corporate Social Responsibility Program has engaged in dialogue with senior management and filed shareholder resolutions with hundreds of public companies. These actions have led individual companies and entire industries to increase corporate responsibility resulting in direct and continued positive impact to the environment.
The Environmental Enforcement Program has engaged in litigation with over 300 companies that violated Californias Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act (Proposition 65). We reached settlements resulting in thousands of products being reformulated, relabeled or removed from the market.

External links


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • you reap what you sow — This means that if you do bad things to people, bad things will happen to you, or good things if you do good things.  It is normally used when someone has done something bad …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • you reap what you sow — ► you reap what you sow proverb you eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions. Main Entry: ↑reap …   English terms dictionary

  • You reap what you sow. — formal something that you say which means everything that happens to you is a result of your own actions. If you treat your friends like that, of course they drop you. You reap what you sow in this life …   New idioms dictionary

  • you reap what you sow — proverb you eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions * * * you ˌreap what you ˈsow idiom (saying) you have to deal with the bad effects or results of sth that you originally started Main entry: ↑reapidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • you reap whatsoever you sow — you will see the long term effects of your actions, chickens come home...    Youthful passion can produce a lifetime of consequences. We reap whatsoever we sow …   English idioms

  • reap what you sow — phrase used for saying that something happens to someone because of what they have done in the past Thesaurus: to be punishedsynonym punishment of being legally killedhyponym Main entry: reap * * * reap what you sow : to experience the same kind… …   Useful english dictionary

  • As You Sow, So Shall You Reap — EP by Femme Fatale Released 2002 Recorded Over the period of 01/16/02 02/02/02 at Kimagure Sound Genre …   Wikipedia

  • as you sow, so you reap — With allusion to GALATIANS vi. 7 (AV) Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. a 900 CYNEWULF Christ in Anglo Saxon Poetic Records (1936) III. 5 Swa eal manna bearn sorgum sawath, swa eft ripath [just as each son of man sows in grief, so …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • reap what you sow — reap what (you) sow to experience the results of your own actions. If we neglect our environment, we will surely reap what we sow. Usage notes: usually used to say that something bad is likely to result from an activity Etymology: from the idea… …   New idioms dictionary

  • as you sow, so shall you reap — This means that if you do bad things to people, bad things will happen to you, or good things if you do good things …   The small dictionary of idiomes

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