Twelve — Twelve, n. 1. The number next following eleven; the sum of ten and two, or of twice six; twelve units or objects; a dozen. [1913 Webster] 2. A symbol representing twelve units, as 12, or xii. [1913 Webster] {The Twelve} (Script.), the twelve… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Twelve — bezeichnet: Twelve (Film), US amerikanischer Film von Joel Schumacher (2010) Twelve (Roman), Roman von Nick McDonell (2002) Twelve, Imprint der Hachette Book Group (seit 2007) Twelve ist der Name folgender Personen: John Twelve Hawks, US… … Deutsch Wikipedia
twelve — [twelv] adj. [ME twelfe < OE twelf, akin to Ger zwölf, Goth twalif < PGmc * twa lif < IE bases * dwōu (> TWO) & * likw < base * leikw , to leave behind > LOAN: orig. sense, two left (beyond ten): cf. ELEVEN] totaling two more… … English World dictionary
Twelve — Twelve, a. [OE. twelve, twelf, AS. twelf; akin to OFries. twelf, twelef, twilif, OS. twelif, D. twaalf, G. zw[ o]lf, OHG. zwelif, Icel. t[=o]lf, Sw. tolf, Dan. tolv, Goth. twalif, from the root of E. two + the same element as in the second part… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Twelve — Патти Смит Дата выпуска 2007 Жанр Рок Длительность 56:41 … Википедия
twelve — [twelv] number [: Old English; Origin: twelf] the number 12 ▪ He received a twelve month jail sentence. ▪ Come at twelve (=12 o clock) . ▪ Their son Dylan is twelve (=12 years old) . >twelfth adj pron ▪ her twelfth birthday ▪ in the twelfth… … Dictionary of contemporary English
twelve — twelve; twelve·mo; twelve·pen·ny; twelve·fold; … English syllables
twelve — [ twelv ] number the number 12 … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
twelve — O.E. twelf, lit. two left (over ten), from P.Gmc. *twa lif , a compound of the root of TWO (Cf. two) + *lif , root of the verb leave (see ELEVEN (Cf. eleven)). Cf. O.S. twelif, O.N. tolf, O.Fris. twelef, M.Du. twalef … Etymology dictionary
twelve — ► CARDINAL NUMBER ▪ two more than ten; 12. (Roman numeral: xii or XII.) ORIGIN Old English, from the base of TWO(Cf. ↑twofold) + a second element probably expressing the sense left over … English terms dictionary