Acidovorax facilis

Acidovorax facilis

color = lightgrey
name = "Acidovorax facilis"
regnum = Bacteria
phylum = Proteobacteria
classis = Beta Proteobacteria
ordo = Burkholderiales
familia = Comamonadaceae
genus = Acidovorax
species = "A. facilis"
binomial = "Acidovorax facilis"
binomial_authority = (Schatz and Bovell 1952) Willems "et al". 1990
synonyms = "Hydrogenomonas facilis" Schatz and Bovell 1952
"Pseudomonas facilis" (Schatz and Bovell 1952) Davis 1969

"Acidovorax facilis" is a bacterium used as a soil inoculant in agriculture and horticulture.

Appearance:Straight to slightly curved rods, 0.2-0.7 x 1.0-5.0um, occurring singly or in short chains and motile by means of a single polar flagellum. Cells stain Gram negative. They are oxidase positive. Urease activity varies among strains. Some strains grow on Christensen urea agar but lack urease according to API 20NE tests. No pigment is produced on nutrient agar. Aerobic and chemoorganotrophic. Acidovorax facilis was a genus created in 1990 by Willems et al. formerly described in three species: A. facilis (formerly Pseudomonal facilis, A. delafieldii (formerly Pseudomonal delafieldii), and A. temperans.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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