- Boleslaus III
Boleslaus III may refer to:
Boleslaus III of Bohemia
*Boleslaus III the Wrymouth
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Boleslaus III may refer to:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
BOLESLAUS III — I. BOLESLAUS III. cognomine Chrinustus, successit Patri Ladissao. Vicit Bohemos, vastavit Moraviam, ter Pomeranos superavit, Henricum V. Imperatorem ad pacem adegit; ductâque sorore Adelaide, obiit A. C. 1139. regni 3. II. BOLESLAUS III. frater… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Boleslaus III, Duke of Bohemia — Boleslaus III ( cs. Boleslav III. Ryšavý) (died 1037), called the Red( haired) or the Blind, was the duke of Bohemia from 999 until 1002. He was the worst of all men who ever sat on the Bohemian throne. The eldest son of Boleslav II the Pious,… … Wikipedia
Boleslaus — (also Boleslav, Boleslaw, Bolesław) may refer to:In dukes of Bohemia: * Boleslaus I of Bohemia (died 967 or 972), known as the Cruel , ruling from 929 (or 935) to 972 (or 967) * Boleslaus II of Bohemia (c.920 ndash;999), known as the Pious ,… … Wikipedia
Boleslaus of Masovia — may refer to: * Boleslaus IV of Poland (1122 73), Duke of Masovia and Kujavia * Boleslaus I of Masovia (1208 48) * Boleslaus II of Masovia (1251 1313) * Boleslaus George II of Halych, of Masovian Piast descent * Boleslaus III of Plock (1322 51) * … Wikipedia
Boleslaus (Glogau-Oels) — Boleslaus von Oels (auch Boleslaw von Oels Bolko von Kalisch und Oels; * 1293/1296; † 1320/1321) war von 1309 bis 1312 gemeinsam mit seinen vier Brüdern Herzog von Glogau und Herr von Großpolen. Ab 1312 bis zu seinem Tod 1320 war er… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Boleslaus (Beuthen-Cosel) — Boleslaus von Beuthen und Cosel (auch Boleslaw von Beuthen und Cosel; polnisch Bolesław bytomski; tschechisch Boleslav Bytomsko Koselský; * um 1330; † 1354/1355) war Herzog von Beuthen und Cosel. Er entstammte dem Beuthener Zweig der Schlesischen … Deutsch Wikipedia
BOLESLAUS — I. BOLESLAUS Dux Plocensis, (ex eadem cum Regibus Poloniae huius nominis familiâ Piasteâ, sed ramô Mazoviô, cuius Ziemovitus Conradi filius auctor fuit, oriundus) post mortem Lesci Albi, ad Principatum Poloniae vocatus, sed, ab Henricô… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
BOLESLAUS I — I. BOLESLAUS I. cognomine Crohius, Dux Poloniae, post Miessaum baptizatum; Regis titulum ab Ottone III. nactus, feliciter praefuit: Prussis et Russis tributum pendere coactis. Obiit A. C. 1025. Miecissaô filiô successore designatô. Cromer. Hist.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
BOLESLAUS IV — I. BOLESLAUS IV. cognomine Cirratus fil. Bolessai III. fratri Ladissao pulso successit. Prussos rebelles domuit, et ad Baptismi sacra adduxit. Obiit A. C. 1163. regni 27. II. BOLESLAUS IV. fil. Bolcssai II. genuit ex Euphemia Vratissaviensi,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Bolesław III. Schiefmund — Bolesław III. Schiefmund, porträt von J.B. Jacobi (1828) … Deutsch Wikipedia