Baudo Guan

Baudo Guan

name = Baudo Guan
status = EN | status_system = IUCN3.1
trend = down

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Galliformes
familia = Cracidae
genus = "Penelope"
species = "P. ortoni"
binomial = "Penelope ortoni"
binomial_authority = Salvin, 1874

The Baudo Guan, "Penelope ortoni", is a species of bird from the family Cracidae. It is subtropical bird that is distributed throughout South America.

Very little is known about the Baudo Guan's diet and reproduction.


"Penelope ortoni" has been recorded locally along the west Andean foothills throughout west Colombia and in Ecuador, south to Naranjal, Guayas. In Colombia, recent reports are from Chocó, Valle del Cauca and Nariño. In Ecuador, it occurs in the Mindo-Nambillo area, Pichincha, but the majority of modern records are from Esmeraldas. The range and population of "P. ortoni" have undoubtedly contracted greatly.

"P. ortoni" occurs in Cotacachi-Cayapas ER (Esmeraldas), Farallones de Cali (Valle de Cauca) and Ensenada de Utría (Chocó) National Parks and in the small El Pangán Nature Reserve, Nariño. Historical specimens from the vicinity of Munchique National Park, Colombia, suggest that fieldwork at appropriate altitudes would probably find the species.


"P. ortoni"'s population has not been properly quantified. The 2006 IUCN Red List estimates the population between 2,000-9,999 individuals.

Physical description

66 cm. Shy, drab, long-tailed cracid. All rich brown with greyish-brown tinge to neck and head and fine whitish edging to foreneck and breast. Bare blue ocular area, prominent red dewlap, and dull-red legs.


This species is extremely sensitive to habitat modification and hunting. Large parts of its range have long since been deforested and plans to colonize and develop more remote regions are progressing through the rapid expansion of the road network.


* [ BirdLife International (2006) Species factsheet: Penelope ortoni.] Downloaded from on 24/5/2006 []
*IUCN 2006. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 23 May 2006. []
*IUCN2006|assessors=BirdLife International|year=2004|id=16542|title=Penelope ortoni|downloaded=09 May 2006 Database entry includes a range map, a brief justification of why this species is endangered, and the criteria used. [ Range

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