Posterior perforated substance
- Posterior perforated substance
Infobox Brain
Latin = substantia perforata posterior, substantia perforata interpeduncularis
GraySubject = 188
GrayPage = 800

Caption = Coronal section of brain immediately in front of pons. (Post. perf. substance labeled at lower left.)
Caption2 =
IsPartOf =
Components =
Artery =
Vein =
Acronym =
BrainInfoType = ancil
BrainInfoNumber = 726
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = s_27
DorlandsSuf = 12766915
The depressed area between the crura is termed the interpeduncular fossa, and consists of a layer of gray matter, the posterior perforated substance, which is pierced by small apertures for the transmission of blood vessels; its lower part lies on the ventral aspect of the medial portions of the tegmenta, and contains a nucleus named the interpeduncular ganglion; its upper part assists in forming the floor of the third ventricle.
ee also
* Anterior perforated substance
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perforated substance interpeduncular — perforated substance, posterior substantia perforata posterior … Medical dictionary
Anterior perforated substance — Infobox Brain Name = PAGENAME Latin = substantia perforata anterior GraySubject = 189 GrayPage = 827 Caption = Scheme of rhinencephalon. (Anterior perforated substance labeled at bottom left.) Caption2 = Base of brain. (Anterior perforated… … Wikipedia
Posterior cerebral artery — Artery: Posterior cerebral artery Outer surface of cerebral hemisphere, showing areas supplied by cerebral arteries. (Yellow is region supplied by posterior cerebral artery.) … Wikipedia
substance — Stuff; material. SYN: substantia [TA], matter. [L. substantia, essence, material, fr. sub sto, to stand under, be present] alpha s. SYN: reticular s. (1). anterior perforated s. [TA] a region at the base … Medical dictionary
substantia perforata posterior — [TA] posterior perforated substance: the floor of the interpeduncular fossa, lying between the basis pedunculi of each side and pierced by central branches of the posterior cerebral artery; called also interpeduncular perforated substance … Medical dictionary
space — Any demarcated portion of the body, either an area of the surface, a segment of the tissues, or a cavity. SEE ALSO: area, region, zone. SYN: spatium [TA]. [L. spatium, room, s.] alveolar dead s … Medical dictionary
substantia — SYN: substance. [L.] s. adamantina SYN: enamel. s. alba SYN: white matter. basal s. [TA] basal structures associated with the amygdaloid complex and its connections; includes the basal nucleus [TA] ( … Medical dictionary
fossa — A depression usually more or less longitudinal in shape below the level of the surface of a part. [L. a trench or ditch] acetabular f. [TA] a depressed area in the floor of the acetabulum superior to the … Medical dictionary
Головной мозг — (encephalon) (рис. 258) располагается в полости мозгового черепа. Средний вес мозга взрослого человека составляет примерно 1350 г. Он имеет овоидную форму из за выступающих лобных и затылочных полюсов. На наружной выпуклой верхнелатеральной… … Атлас анатомии человека
Locus — The place, in Latin.. In genetics, a locus is the place a gene occupies on a chromosome. One locus, two loci. * * * 1. A place; usually, a specific site. 2. The position that a gene occupies on a chromosome. 3. The position of a point, as defined … Medical dictionary