- Itsamk'anahk II
Itsamk'anahk II (born
May 22 ,626 CE) was the second of the Seven Holy Kings of Piedras Negras, a Maya city-state, known also as Yokib. He became king in 638, at the age of twelve.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Itsamk'anahk II (born
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Пьедрас-Неграс — Координаты: 17°10′00″ с. ш. 91°15′45″ з. д. / 17.166667° с. ш. 91.2625° з. д. … Википедия
Piedras Negras (Maya site) — Piedras Negras is the modern name for a ruined city of the pre Columbian Maya civilization located on the north bank of the Usumacinta River in the Petén department of Guatemala. The name Piedras Negras means black stones in Spanish. Its name in… … Wikipedia