

Kumarasambhava or Kumaarasambhavam is an epic poem written by the Hindu poet Kalidas. Kumarasambhava means the birth of Kartikeya, Shiva's first son. This epic of seventeen sargas (or chapters) entails Shringar Rasa, the rasa of love, romance, and eroticism, more than Vira rasa (the rasa of Heroism). Tarakasur, a rakshasha (or demon) was blessed that he could be killed by none other than Lord Shiva's son, however, Shiva had won over Kama (or the desire to make love). Parvathi performed great tapasya (or spiritual penance) to win the love of Lord Shiva. Consequently, Shiva and Parvati's son Kartikeya is born and kills Tarakasur to restore the glory of Indra, the king of Gods.

Kalidas had left his home in pursuit of knowledge and to become worthy of his intellectual wife Vidyotama. When he returned from this conquest, his wife asked, "Asti Kashchit Wagvisheshah" (translated: Have you attained any evident erudition which should prompt me to extend a special welcome to you?) Kalidas impressed his wife with the answer she expected and over next few years created three great epics based on the three letters uttered by his wife: 'Asti' - Kumarsambhava, 'Kashchit' - Meghaduta, and 'Wagvisheshah' - Raghuvamsha. It is said that Kalidas was cursed with leprosy when he completed the eighth sarga describing the act of love between Lord Shiva and Parvati. Some also believe that the rest of the epic was completed by an eponymous writer.

ee also

* Sanskrit literature
* Sanskrit drama

External links

* [http://www.freeindia.org/biographies/greatpoets/kalidas/page2.htm FreeIndia.org article on Kumarasambhava] , retrieved October 11, 2006
* [http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/ebene_1/fiindolo/gretil/1_sanskr/5_poetry/2_kavya/kakumspu.htm Kumarasambhavam - Transliterated text at GRETIL]

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