

"Procerosaurus" is the name given to an invalid genus of dinosaur.

There are two "Procerosaurus" specimens:
*The first was described as "P. cruralis" by von Huene in 1902 and is a junior synonym of "Tanystropheus", a non-dinosaurian prehistoric reptile.
*The second was described by Antonin Fritsch in 1878 as a species of "Iguanodon" ("Iguanodon exogirarum", later amended to "exogyrarum"), and is a highly doubtful dinosaurian-like bit of bone (possibly an internal cast of a tibia) from the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of the Czech Republic. He reassigned the species to "Procerosaurus" in 1905, unaware that the genus name was already in use. George Olshevsky in 2000 substituted "Ponerosteus" for this species.


* [ George Olshevsky expands on the history of "P." "exogyrarum"] , on the Dinosaur Mailing List
* [ "Procerosaurus" in The Dinosaur Encyclopaedia] at Dino Russ's Lair

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