

:"This article is about a place in Greece; For the taxonomic classification, see Thesprotia (genus)"Infobox Pref GR
name = Thesprotia
name_local = Νομός Θεσπρωτίας

periph = Epirus
capital = Igoumenitsa
population = 46,811
population_as_of = 2005
pop_rank = 48th
pop_dens = 30.9
popdens_rank = 47th
area = 1,515
area_rank = 43rd
postal_code = 46x xx
area_code = 266x0
licence = ΗΝ
provinces = 4
municip = 8
commun = 2
ISO = GR-32
website = []

Thesprotia ( _el. Θεσπρωτία) is one of the prefectures of Greece. It is within the Epirus periphery. The capital is Igoumenitsa. Thesprotia is bounded by Albania to the north, the prefecture of Ioannina to the east and Preveza in the south. It is one of the smallest Greek prefectures in population. There are three rural inhabitants for every two urban citizens [] .

The provinces are small and there are four of them.

Much of the prefecture is mountainous while farmlands most of them with gridded roads and ditches are within the valleys in the central, southern and the western part. Two of Thesprotia's rivers are legendary: The Kalamas River (Thiames) and Acheron, lined with reedbeds and plane trees.

A new highway, Greece Interstate 4 called "Via Egnatia", which began construction in 1996 links all the way to Thessaloniki. The construction was fully paved in the 2000s. Via Egnatia was first opened to traffic in 2004 with thousands of people cheering and celebrating the opening as they stand next to the superhighway south of Igoumenitsa. A possible bridge to Corfu is currently unplanned and unscheduled. Main roads are GR-19 and GR-6.

The port of Igoumenitsa is overlooked by its Venetian fortress; it serves ferry routes to the islands of Corfu and Paxoi (includes Paxos and Antipaxos).


Thesprotia's coastal climate is Mediterranean. Cold winters of a semi-alpine climate dominate the eastern portion and higher elevations.


Area codes

:26640 - Filiates:26650 - Igoumenitsa:26660 - Paramythia

Postal codes

**00 through 29 - "not used"
**30 - Margariti
**31 - Acherontas abd Samonida-Glykis
**32 through 99 - "not used"
*461 - Igoumenitsa, Paraoptamos, Perdika and Syvpotes
*462 - Paramythia
*463 - Filiates and Sagiada
*464 through 469 - "not used"


*Greece Interstate 6, W, Cen., E
*Via Egnatia, W, Cen., E
*Greece Interstate 19, W, SW, S, Cen.

Igoumenitsa Harbour. boats to Italy

Municipalities and communities

See also: List of settlements in the Thesprotia prefecture

External links

* [ La Toile: Cooperation Network for European Culture: Thesprotia]
* [ - Thesprotia] - Lots of photos and historical information about the prefecture of Thesprotia
* [ Paramythia of Thesprotia] - The historical city of Thesprotia
* [ Prefecture of Thesprotia] Official Travel Guide with Panoramic 360 Pictures


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