AMT or amt may refer to:

*The ICAO code for ATA Airlines
*AEMT-CC, an EMS certification in New York State
*Quantity, in reference to an abbreviation of the word "amount"
*Acid Mothers Temple, a Japanese psychedelic band
*Intel Active Management Technology (iAMT), a feature of Intel vPro processors
*Agence métropolitaine de transport, a public transportation organization in the Montreal area
*Air Motion Transformer, a type of loudspeaker invented by Oskar Heil
*Aircraft Maintenance Technician, a term used in the United States
*Airy Mean Time, a time standard used for timekeeping on Mars
*Alpha-Methyltryptamine, a synthetic psychedelic of the tryptamine family
*Alternative Minimum Tax, a feature of the United States tax system
*Aluminum Metal Toys, a manufacturer of various plastic models
*Amazon Mechanical Turk, an Amazon web service
*American Musical Theater
*Amorphous metal transformer, a kind of energy efficient transformer
*Amt (country subdivision), an administrative unit in several European countries
*Anxiety Management Training, a form of treatment for anxiety
*Arcadia Machine and Tool, an American firearms company
*Advanced Millennium Technologies, a software development off-shoring and outsourcing company in India
*Aryan migration theory
*Asia Music Technology, a Russian-based guitar effect pedal company
*Semi-automatic transmission, a computer-controlled ("robotized") manual gearbox
*Autonomous Manufacturing Team, a term used in Six Sigma
*AMT Hardballer, a type of handgun

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  • Amt — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un amt es una voz germánica que da nombre a las unidades administrativas subnacionales utilizado en algunos países europeos septentrionales. Es generalmente más grande que un municipio, y el término es algo… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • amt — (n.) territorial division in Denmark and Norway, from Dan. amt, from Ger. Amt office, from O.H.G. ambaht, of Celtic origin, related to Gallo Romance ambactus servant (see AMBASSADOR (Cf. ambassador)) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Amt — Amt, n.; pl. {Amter}, {E}. {Amts}. [Dan. & Norw., fr. G.] An administrative territorial division in Denmark and Norway. [1913 Webster] Each of the provinces [of Denmark] is divided into several amts, answering . . . to the English hundreds. Encyc …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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