

Salomon can refer to:

People with the given name Salomon:
* The king Solomon
* Salomon, King of Brittany, 9th century Breton ruler.
* Salomon of Cornwall, late-5th-century 'warrior prince', possibly a king, of Cornwall
* Salomon Kalou, a footballer currently playing for Chelsea F.C.

People with the surname Salomon:
* Salomon (surname)

In companies:
* Salomon Brothers, a former investment bank, now a part of Citigroup
* Salomon Group, a company manufacturing sporting equipment (which was a part of Adidas-Salomon AG)

In places:
* Salomon Islands, an atoll of the British Indian Ocean Territory

In law:
* Salomon v. Salomon & Co., a famous case establishing the doctrine of the Corporate Veil

ee also

* Solomon (disambiguation)
* Salomo

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