Duncan Forbes of Culloden

Duncan Forbes of Culloden
Portrait of Duncan Forbes Jnr by Jeremiah Davison

Duncan Forbes (1644–1704) was a Scottish politician, and supporter of the House of Hanover.


Born and educated in Inverness. His father owned the estate of Culloden and was MP for Nairnshire.

He studied law in Edinburgh and Leiden and in 1709 became Sheriff of Midlothian. In 1722 he became MP for Inverness and in 1735 inherited his father's Culloden estate.[1]

He was a Commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland. In recognition of the fact that his support of the crown had led to severe harassment by supporters of James Stuart, he was granted special dispensation to distil whisky without being taxed.

His son (1685–1747) was also named Duncan Forbes, and shared his father's politics, fighting against the Jacobites. The Forbeses lived in Culloden, near the site of the Battle of Culloden, and Forbes was directly protecting his estate. The younger Forbes also became Lord President of the Court of Session.


The primary school in Culloden is named Duncan Forbes Primary, after the family.

In Parliament Hall in Edinburgh a large marble statue of Forbes, in seated position, stands against one wall. Said to be the first statue of a "commoner"[2]


  1. ^ Monuments and Statues of Edinburgh, Michael T.R.B. Turnbull (chambers) p.56
  2. ^ Monuments and Statues of Edinburgh, Michael T.R.B. Turnbull (Chambers) p.56

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