- Audit (telecommunication)
telecommunications , the term audit has the following meanings:* To conduct an independent review and examination of
system records and activities in order to test the adequacy and effectiveness ofdata security anddata integrity procedures, to ensure compliance with established policy and operational procedures, and to recommend any necessary changes.* Independent review and examination of records and activities to assess the adequacy of system controls, to ensure compliance with established policies and operational procedures, and to recommend necessary changes in controls, policies, or procedures.
* Analysis of invoices, lines, rates, tariffs, taxes, plans, usage, call volume, systems, and contracts resulting in cost reduction, proper invoicing and optimization of telecommunication systems often conducted by an independent telecommunications consultant or firm.
The simplest audits merely consist of comparing current telecommunications billing and usage to other alternatives based on their relative cost, security and reliability. [ [http://www.gill-technologies.com/TelecommunicationsBlog/telecom-expense-management-for-regular-folks/ Telecom Expense Management for Regular Folks | Telecommunications Blog ] ] Complex audits utilize software applications, direct bargaining with service providers and activity reports that include detail down to an individual employee's usage.
Auditing Methods and Consultants
business , companies with significant telecommunications costs or a telecommunications focus normally either conduct audits internally or hire aconsultant . No matter the method, typical audits encompass one or more of the following:*
Telecom Expense Management (TEM): An ongoing analysis and adjustment of internal telecommunications procedures and billing designed to maximize savings.* Telecom RFP (Request For Proposals): A proposed management plan designed to maximize efficiency, security and reliability in the business' communications. Consultants typically present an RFP for approval by their clients.
* Management and Reporting: Ongoing telecommunications cost and activity
analytics . Internal auditors and consultants both usesoftware as part of the process: either a generalizeddatabase application or specialized applications designed for auditing. [ [http://www.gill-technologies.com/Telecom_Management_Software.php GILL Technologies Telecom Management Software ] ]Audits may focus on
mobile phones and devices,Internet service orland line telephony, or they may encompass all three. [ [http://www.auditelinc.com/Telecommunications_Auditing.html Telecommunications Auditing ] ]References
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Audit (telecommunication)
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