Deatnu - Tana — Infobox Kommune name=Tana alt names first=Deatnu gielda idnumber=2025 county=Finnmark landscape= capital=Tana Bru governor=Ingrid Smuk Rolstad (Ap) governor as of=2003 arearank=5 area=4049 arealand=3833 areapercent=1.25 population as of=2004… … Wikipedia
Tana, Norway — Tana kommune Deatnu gielda Municipality … Wikipedia
Unjárga - Nesseby — Infobox Kommune name=Nesseby alt names first=Unjárgga gielda idnumber=2027 county=Finnmark landscape= capital=Varangerbotn governor=Ann Jorid Henriksen (Ap) governor as of=2003 arearank=57 area=1436 arealand=1367 areapercent=0.44 population as of … Wikipedia
Саамский язык — более известный под названием лопарского, принадлежит к финно угорским языкам (см.). Говорящие на нем лопари, или лапландцы коренное население севера Скандинавии, Финляндиии и Кольского полуострова сами себя называют samek, sabmelazat (в… … Литературная энциклопедия
Nesseby — kommune Unjárgga gielda Municipality Abelsborg in Nesseby municipality … Wikipedia
Nesseby — Blason de Nesseby Localisation de Nesseby dans le Finnmark … Wikipédia en Français
Lebesby — Infobox Kommune name=Lebesby idnumber=2022 county=Finnmark landscape=Nordkyn capital=Kjøllefjord governor=Harald Larssen (Ap) governor as of=2004 arearank=8 area=3458 arealand=3235 areapercent=1.07 population as of=2004 populationrank=371… … Wikipedia
Kven people — This article is about the contemporary ethnic group in Norway. For ancient Kvens, see Kvenland. Kven Total population 10,000 60,000 Regions with significant populations Norway (Finnmark, Troms) Languages Kven/ Finnish … Wikipedia
Tana River (Norway) — Tana river ( Tanaelva in Norwegian, Deatnu in Northern Sami, Teno in Finnish, Tana älv in Swedish), is a 330 kilometer long river in Lapland, in the Norwegian county of in Finnmark and the Lapland Province of Finland. In its upper course it runs… … Wikipedia
Finnish exonyms for places in Norway — This is a list of Finnish language names in Norway. The first list contains all Finnish or Kven names that are officially recognised by the Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority. The second lists further Finnish names of towns in the general… … Wikipedia