- G. P. Wells
George Philip Wells FRS (
17 July 1901 –27 September 1985 ), son of the Britishscience fiction author H. G. Wells , was azoologist and author. He co-authored, with his father andJulian Huxley , "The Science of Life ". [Wells H.G. Huxley J.S. and Wells G.P. 1929-30. "The Science of Life: a summary of contemporary knowledge about life and its possibilities." First issued in 31 fortnightly parts published by Amalgamated Press, bound up in three volumes as publication proceeded. First issued in one volume by Cassell in 1931.] A pupil atOundle School , he was in the first class to learn Russian as amodern language in a British school. He accompanied his father toSoviet Russia in 1920, acting as his Russian translator and exchanging ideas with Russian zoology students. He won an entrance Exhibition toTrinity College, Cambridge , where he became Senior Scholar in his first year of residence. [Lancelot Hogben , 1998. "Scientific Humanist", edited by Adrian Hogben and Anne Hogben]Wells, a comparative physiologist, worked on
invertebrates of severalphyla . He determined their tolerance for changes in thesalinity and the ionic balance of the surrounding water, and analysed the water relations of landgastropods .For the latter part of his career he was a member of staff in the Zoology Department of
University College London , eventually as professor. His range of zoological knowledge was notably wide, and his main research was on the behaviour of thelugworm "Arenicola". He determined its habits by elegant experiments, and showed that the rhythm which controls many of its activities arises in theoesophagus . Such spontaneous rhythmic activity was shown to occur in manypolychaetes .He was known to all by his nickname, Gip, and appears by this name in his father's fictional story "The Magic Shop". He was elected FRS in 1955.
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