Pedro Bordaberry

Pedro Bordaberry

Pedro Bordaberry Herrán (1960-) is a Uruguayan political figure.

Early political and ministerial career

Bordaberry served as the Tourism minister in the government of President Jorge Batlle until 2005. At the same time he was appointed Industry and Energy minister (2002-2003) and Sports and Youth minister (2003-2004) [ 'Pedro Bordaberry', Wikipedia (in Spanish), [] ] .

He also participated in the mayoral elections for Montevideo, but lost to Ricardo Ehrlich, of the "Frente Amplio". Bordaberry got 26.9% of the vote; Ehrlich won with 60.9%. In this election, Bordaberry multiplied by three the votes that his party, the Colorado, had received in the October 2004 general election (See also: Domingo_Bordaberry#Political_heritage). Nevertheless, he was still 1% below Oscar Magurno's performance of May 2000 (the Colorado Party candidate for the mayoralty of Montevideo at the time).

Pedro Bordaberry's decision to seek a political base in Montevideo contrasts with his father, dictator Juan Maria Bordaberry, who had a long association with rural affairs.

Political background: family; Latin American political culture

He is a son of Juan Maria Bordaberry, elected President of Uruguay in free elections in 1972 and former Dictator of Uruguay from 1973 to 1976, after closing Parliament. He is a grandson of former Senator Domingo Bordaberry. He is a brother of prominent Ruralist leader Santiago Bordaberry. Since his father's arrest in 2006, Pedro Bordaberry has been vocal in his support. Some observers would argue that it is natural for this state of affairs to have come about, and that it is unreasonable to expect Pedro Bordaberry not to defend his father. Others would argue that from a publicity perspective it is in the tactical political interests of President Tabaré Vázquez, of the Broad Front, for Pedro Bordaberry, seen as one of the principal leaders of the opposition, to be identified in his public pronouncements with a controversial period in which he himself played no direct role.

Pedro Bordaberry's career is one of a number of examples in Latin American politics of the son of a President of authoritarian tendencies making his mark subsequently while upholding constitutional legitimacy: the careers of Omar Torrijos and Martín Torrijos of Panama are comparable.

Literary criticism

Bordaberry has contributed to literary criticism of the Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges, who was an acute observer of the historical and cultural scenes of both Argentina and Uruguay.

He has notably discussed Borges's theme of the complexity of memory [ [] ] [ [] ] .


Formation of "Vamos Uruguay"

In 2007 Pedro Bordaberry formed a new group in the Colorado Party, called "Vámos Uruguay" ("Let's go Uruguay") [1] . This group claims to represent calls for ethics, honesty and real participation of the Uruguayan people in public life of the country. Bordaberry in effect split with the Lista 15, shortly after the municipal elections of May 2005 [ 'Vamos Uruguay', Wikipedia (in Spanish) [] ] .


Colorado party Presidential front runner

Polls in 2008 showed that Bordaberry by a huge margin was the candidate best placed to gain his party's nomination for the Uruguayan Presidential elections in 2009 [ [] ] .

Guillermo Stirling, the former Colorado Party candidate for the Presidency in 2004, was in 2008 seen as close to Bordaberry, rather than to former Vice President of Uruguay Luis Antonio Hierro López, also thought to be a likely candidate, but trailing considerably in polls thought to be broadly accurate.

Death threats, May 2008

In May 2008 Pedro Bordaberry received death threats while in the Pocitos district of Montevideo [ 'Amenazaron de muerte a Pedro Bordaberry' (in Spanish) [] , ] . While an unstable or enraged individual was sought in connection with the incident, it was thought that longstanding, widespread frustrations relating to the former civilian-military régime and its conflict with Tupamaro urban guerrillas may have supplied part of the context of this event.

Recent controversies with Frente Amplio government

Interior Minister Daisy Tourné

In 2008 Bordaberry called on Interior Minister Daisy Tourné to resign. This followed his publicly expressed doubts about what he claimed was Tourné's lack of commitment to her ministerial responsibility for security issues; the criticism was rejected by Tourné [ [] ] .

Foreign trips of President Tabaré Vázquez

Bordaberry has entered into controversy regarding some of the foreign official trips which President Tabaré Vázquez has undertaken.

For example, he has been critical of President Vázquez for choosing to be in Cuba at a June 2008 commemoration - which Mr. Vázquez himself initiated - of the victims of the cilivian-military administration [ [] ] , although the rôle of Mr. Bordaberry Senior was also relevant to the events commemorated.

(However, Bordaberry has also defended President Vázquez in relation to what he regarded as a breach of protocol by his hosts during a visit of Mr. Vázquez to Argentina [ [] ] .)

ee also

* List_of_political_families#Uruguay

* Domingo_Bordaberry#Political_heritage

* Politics of Uruguay

* Colorado Party (Uruguay)


* Uruguayan_literature#Other_important_figures



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External links

* 'Vamos Uruguay' website:
* []

* (Photo) From left to right: Pedro Bordaberry, Jeb Bush Junior, Mrs. Bordaberry, Mrs. Silverstein, U. S. Ambassador Silverstein

* (Photo) Tourism seminar led by Pedro Bordaberry, April 4, 2003

* (Photo) Pedro Bordaberry meeting with President Tabaré Vázquez, June 2007

* Report about Pedro Bordaberry's Colorado Party group: "Vamos Uruguay"

* Article re. TV debate between Pedro Bordaberry and Senator Rafael Michelini, Oct. 7, 2006

* Title page and review of the book 'Que me desmientan' by Pedro Bordaberry

*Interview for 'La República':

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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