

The term stasis may refer to
* A state of stability, in which all forces are equal and opposing, therefore they cancel out each other.
* Stasis (political history), as defined by Thucydides as a set of symptoms indicating an internal disturbance in both individuals and states
* Stasis (biology), a period of little or no evolutionary change in a species in the punctuated equilibrium model of evolutionary biology
* Stasis (fiction) implies, especially in science-fiction, an artificial pause that stops all physical and chemical processes, including those of life; they resume as if uninterrupted as soon as the stasis is ended.
* Stasis (medicine), a state in which the normal flow of a body liquid stops, for example the flow of blood through vessels or of intestinal contents through the digestive tract
* Stasis (music), is a technique or form used in minimalist music, and also any other style that may use slow musical development
* Stasis (argumentation theory), represents a "stand" or a "mode of proceeding" in a given argument.
*Stasis (The UA Years 19711975), a compilation album by Hawkwind
*Stasis (liturgy) a division of a Kathisma or other liturgical verses
*Stasis (EU project) is a European Union funded research and development project; STASIS is an acronym for "Software for Ambient Semantic Interoperable Services"

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  • Stasis — oder Stase („Stillstand“, v. griech. στάσις 1. „Stauung“, „Stockung“; 2. „Bürgerkrieg“ ) steht für: Stase (Medizin), Stau einer Körperflüssigkeit Stasis (Polis), Bürgerkriegszustand in einer antiken Polis STASIS (Software for Ambient Semantic… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Stasis — refers to a stoppage or slowdown in the flow of blood (or other body fluid such as lymph). A stasis ulcer is an ulcer (a crater) that develops in an area in which the circulation is sluggish and the venous return (the return of venous blood… …   Medical dictionary

  • -stasis — suff. 1. Slowing; stoppage: bacteriostasis. 2. Stable state: homeostasis.   [From Greek stasis, standstill. See stasis.] * * * …   Universalium

  • stasis — 1745, from Medical Latin, from Gk. stasis a standing still, related to statos placed, verbal adjective of histemi cause to stand, from PIE root *sta to stand (see STET (Cf. stet)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Stasis — Sta sis (st[=a] s[i^]s or st[a^]s [i^]s), n. [NL., fr. Gr. sta sis a standing still.] (Physiol.) A slackening or arrest of the blood current in the vessels, due not to a lessening of the heart s beat, but presumably to some abnormal resistance of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stasis — (Stase, v. gr.), 1) so v.w. Status; 2) Partei, Secte, Philosophenschule; 3) das Stehen; 4) Stockung, träge Fortbewegung od. gänzliches Stillstehen der Säfte, vorzüglich in den Eingeweiden des Unterleibes (S. intestinorum), daher auch Verstopfung… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Stāsis — (griech.), Stellung, Stand; auch soviel wie Blutstockung (s. d.) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Stasis — (Stase, grch.), Stellung; Blutstockung, Blutstillstand, führt meist zur Blutgerinnung (s. Thrombose) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Stasis — Stasis, Stase, griech., Stockung von Säften …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • STASIS — urbs Persica, sita in magna petra, quam Antiochus Seleuci fil. habuit. Steph …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • stasis — [stā′sis, stas′is] n. pl. stases [stāsēz΄, stas′sēz΄] [ModL < Gr, a standing < histanai, to STAND] 1. a) a stoppage of the flow of some fluid in the body, as of blood b) reduced peristalsis of the intestines resulting in the retention of… …   English World dictionary

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