Religious interpretation

Religious interpretation

Religious interpretation and similarly religious self-interpretation define a section of religion-related studies (theology, comparative religion, reason) where attention is given to aspects of perception—where religious symbolism and the self-image of all those who hold religious views have important bearing on how others perceive their particular belief system and its adherents.

elf interpretation

Often teachers of religion (preachers, monks, rabbis) make a claim that their religions are not religions at all —rather are "Way of Life," a "Reality," or "The Truth." From the point of view of another religion's aherents, claims like this are often seen to be diametrically opposed to their own teaching and belief. A Taoist who says for example that "Tao is not "a religion", rather is a "way of life" may find a very different view from a Christian minister, or a Hindu priest.

The typical claim then, is: 'Despite what another "religion" may claim, our "truth" is the "real truth," or "closer to" the "real truth." namely "God." Hence a claim, by one religion's adherents that its truth is greater than the other. The irony is obvious: While each tradition aspires to appear as close to an essential truth —one which transcends material concerns and perceptual appearances, each will have adherents who maintain very localized and material concerns for its own traditional symbols and language. Logically then, it is only by these localized views that one religion's adherents may see others as inferior.

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