- Will Wilkinson
Infobox journalist
name = Will Wilkinson
birthname =
birth_date =1973
birth_place =Independence, Missouri
age =
education =University of Northern Iowa (1995 ); M.A. inPhilosophy from theNorthern Illinois University (1998 ); worked toward a Ph.D. at the University of Maryland
occupation =writer , thinker
status = unmarried; lives with partnerKerry Howley
credits = policy analyst at theCato Institute ; Academic Coordinator of the Social Change Project and the Global Prosperity Initiative at TheMercatus Center atGeorge Mason University ; host of a weekly show, "Free Will," onBloggingHeads.tv ; biweekly commentator onAmerican Public Media 's Marketplace
agent =
URL =Will Wilkinson (born
1973 ) is an Americanlibertarian writer and thinker. Currently he is a research fellow at theCato Institute where he works on a variety of issues including Social Security reform and, most notably, the policy implications ofhappiness research. He is currently working on a paper on how to think about economic inequality. Wilkinson is also the managing editor of the Cato Institute's monthly web magazine,Cato Unbound . Previously, he was Academic Coordinator of the Social Change Project and the Global Prosperity Initiative at TheMercatus Center atGeorge Mason University and before that he ran the Social Change Workshop for Graduate Students for TheInstitute for Humane Studies . His political philosophy is described byThe American Conservative magazine as "Rawlsekian"; that is, a mixture ofJohn Rawls 's principles andFriedrich von Hayek 's methods. [ [http://www.amconmag.com/article/2008/jul/28/00024//] ]Wilkinson was born in
Independence, Missouri and grew up inMarshalltown, Iowa . He graduated from theUniversity of Northern Iowa in1995 , received his M.A. inPhilosophy from theNorthern Illinois University in1998 and did work toward a Ph.D. at the University of Maryland.His writing has appeared in
Slate [http://www.slate.com/id/2141633/] ,Reason [http://www.reason.com/0602/cr.ww.happiness.shtml] ,TCS Daily [http://www.tcsdaily.com/Authors.aspx?id=700] ,National Review [http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ODg2NTY1YTRlZjZkYmE2MGYyNWM2Zjk5NzJhZWRlMDc=] , theFoxNews website [http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,155619,00.html] , and onThe Economist 's Free Exchange economics blog [http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2007/05/welcome_will.cfm] , where he was until recently a regular contributor.Wilkinson is widely regarded as an expert in the relationship of happiness research to public policy. ["Arguably the most knowledgeable nonscientist in the United States on happiness and public policy, Wilkinson has emerged as a cogent critic of the nascent movement," writes journalist Ryan Blitstein in [http://www.miller-mccune.com/article/391|a May 2008 article in Miller-McCune] .] He has been cited on happiness and public policy in articles
Forbes [http://www.forbes.com/2006/02/11/tim-harford-money_cz_th_money06_0214harford.html] ,The Los Angeles Times [http://articles.latimes.com/2006/jul/03/local/me-happy3] , andThe Washington Post [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/07/AR2008020701904_pf.html] .Wilkinson appears as a commentator every other week on
American Public Media 's widely-syndicated radio show Marketplace . He is also the host of a weekly show, "Free Will," on the current affairsdiavlog siteBloggingheads TV . The show runs every Sunday and features discussions of new books and ideas with writers and intellectuals.Wilkinson frequently appears in public forums and debates with leading intellectuals. In November 2007, Wilkinson, teamed with George Mason University economist
Tyler Cowen , was pitted against Columbia University economistJeffrey Sachs and University of Pennsylvania economistBetsey Stevenson in a highly-publicized public debate on the economic and politics of happiness sponsored byThe Economist newspaper. [http://www.economist.com/nydebates/] Wilkinson has recently appeared with University of Chicago law professorCass Sunstein and Stanford University psychology professorPhilip Zimbardo at Cato Institute book forums where he offered critical comments on their recent books. [http://www.cato.org/event.php?eventid=4526] [http://www.cato.org/event.php?eventid=4894]On June 27, 2008, Wilkinson was cited by
David Brooks as a member of a "group of young and unpredictable rightward-leaning writers" who have "emerged on the scene" in recent years. He calls their emergence a "genuine bright spot" for the conservative movement. [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/27/opinion/27brooks.html]Notes
External links
* [http://www.catounbound.org/ Cato Unbound] , Cato's Online Monthly Magazine
* [http://willwilkinson.net/flybottle/ The Fly Bottle] , Wilkinson's personal weblog
* [http://happinesspolicy.com Happiness & Public Policy] , Wilkinson's blog on the political implications of happiness research
* [http://www.willwilkinson.net/flybottle/about/ Wilkinson's biography at his blog]
* [http://www.cato.org/people/wilkinson.html Cato bio] , Wilkinson's official Cato Institute page
* [http://bloggingheads.tv/search/?participant1=Wilkinson,%20Will Wilkinson video interviews and conversations] atBloggingheads.tv
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.