

Clon (Korean: 클론) is a South Korean dance music duo. Some of their songs, such as "Funky Tonight", "Cho Ryun" (First Love) and "Come To Me" appear in Pump It Up, ez2Dancer and Korean versions of Dance Maniax.


Musical career

The duo first debuted as part of "Hyun Jin Young and Wawa" in 1990 but it wasn't until 1996 under the supervision of Kim Chang Hwan, a major figure in the Korean music industry, that they got together and formed Clon. Their debut album, "Are You Ready?", proved to be extremely popular. They were often credited for being one of the first groups to incorporate strong dance routines with catchy beats. Clon was produced through DreamBeat, a record label that was popular for other hit singers as well as bringing western music to Korea.

In November 2000, a tragic and unfortunate motorcycle accident left Kang Won Rae paralyzed from the waist down. Initially the duo decided to disband but in the summer of 2005 they made a comeback with their 5th album, "Victory". The title track of the album was called "Nae Sarang Song-i" (My Love "Song") and was dedicated to Kang's wife, Kim Song, who encouraged and stood by him through those tough 5 years.

Although the duo unofficially disbanded after the album's release, they occasionally met for events or promotional activities.


  • Koo Jun Yup (a.k.a. DJ Koo, Korean: 구준엽) - vocals, rap
  • Kang Won Rae (Korean: 강원래) - rap



  1. "Are You Ready?", 1996
  2. "One More Time", 1997
  3. "Funky Together", 1999
  4. "New World", 2000
  5. "Victory", 2005


  • "The Best Hits Of Clon 2002", 2002

External links


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  • clon — s.n. (biol.) Totalitatea indivizilor identici proveniţi dintr un singur organism, pe cale asexuată. – Din engl. clone. Trimis de hai, 28.03.2005. Sursa: DEX 98  clon s. n., pl. clone Trimis de siveco, 18.12.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … …   Dicționar Român

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