Plan 4

Plan 4

Infobox musical artist
Name = Plan 4

Img_capt =
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Background = group_or_band
Alias =
Origin = Buenos Aires
Genre = Heavy metal
Years_active = 2004-Present
Label =
Associated_acts =
Current_members = Javier Compiano
Past_members =
Notable_instruments =

Plan 4 is a Heavy metal band from Buenos Aires, Argentina that formed in 2004.


After the dissolution of "Raiz", three of its members, singer Javier Compiano, drummer Gonzalo Espejo and guitarist Leandro Zunni join Diego Oviedo (former "Hentai") to form Plan 4.The band officially edited an EP containing 6 tracks of which 3 were their own songs: "Destino" "(Destiny)", "Libre" "(Free)" and "El Principio O El Fin" "(The Beginning Or The End)". The ep also contains a live version of "Destino" and "Libre" as well as the videoclip for "Destino"

Plan 4 has also taken part on the first ever Latin American tribute to Black Sabbath, titled "Sabbath Crosses" contributing with the song "TV Crimes". They have also recorded "Somebody Put Something In My Drink" for a double CD tribute to The Ramones

In August 2005, Plan 4 edited their first album, titled "Cambio De Piel" "(Change Of Skin)", produced by "Heaven Records" and "Dias De Garage". The CD has 14 tracks and was recorded, mixed and mastered at Estudios Abismo. On this album one can hear songs with a powerful sound influenced by modern metal ranging from the 90's to actuality, all contained in catchy and compact compositions with a great variety of melody and aggression.

The band has already started to promote their album with throughout the country with their "Cambio De Piel Tour 2005" and during 2006 as well.



Edited in 2004

1- Destino "(Destiny)"

2- Libre "(Free)"

3- El Principio O El Fin "(The Beginning Or The End)"

4- Destino "(live)" "(Destiny)"

5- El Principio O El Fin "(live)" "(The Beginning Or The End)"

6- Videoclip for Destino

Cambio De Piel

Edited in 2005

1- Latidos "(Heartbeats)"

2- Entre La Vida Y La Muerte "(Between Life And Death)"

3- Alma, Cuerpo Y Mente "(Soul, Body And Mind)"

4- Destino "(Destiny)"

5- Nuevo Amanecer "(New Dawn)"

6- Reaccion En Cadena "(Chain Reaction)"

7- Donde Estes "(Wherever You Are)"

8- El Principio O El Fin "(The Beginning Or The End)"

9- Cambio Mi Piel "(I Change My Skin)"

10- La Fuerza "(The Force)"

11- Libre "(Free)"

12- Semillas "(Seeds)"

13- Pppp "(Pppp)"

14- Basta, Se Acabo! "(Enough, It's Over!)"

Tributes and Compilations

* Sabbath Crosses Tribute to Black Sabbath, editd in 2004- TV Crimes

* Todos Somos Ramones "(We Are All Ramones)" Homaje to The Ramones, edited in 2004- Somebody Put Something In My Drink

* Hangar De Almas "(Hangar Of Souls)" Tribute to Megadeth, edited in 2005- Skin O' My Teeth

External links

* [] Official webpage, in Spanish

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