Fatsah Ouguergouz

Fatsah Ouguergouz

Fatsah Ougergouz is an Algerian jurist who is a Justice on the African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights and was Secretary of the International Court of Justice. [ [http://www.nesl.edu/center/speakerseries.cfm Center for International Law and Policy-New England School of Law ] ]

He holds several other positions:

*Member, Board of Directors of the Institute for Human Rights & Development (Gambia)
*Associate Editor, "African Yearbook of International Law"
*Legal Officer, International Court of Justice
*Human Rights Officer, Rwanda
*Associate Legal Officer, United Nations Institute of African Studies and Center for the Study of Human Rights
*Associate Legal Office, United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, New York
*Professor of International Law, University of Geneva Faculty of Law
*International Editorial Advisory Board Member, "African Human Rights Law Journal"


*(with Djacoba Liva Tehindrazanarivelo) "The question of secession in Africa", in Marcelo G. Kohen (ed.), "Secession: international perspectives". New York: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming
*"L’application de la Charte africaine des droits de l’Homme et des peuples par les autorités nationales en Afrique occidentale", in Jean-Francois Flauss and Elisabeth Lambert-Abdelgawad (eds.), "L’application nationale de la charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples" (2004)
*"The African Charter on Human and People's Rights: a comprehensive agenda for human dignity and sustainable democracy in Africa" (2003)
*"La Palestine et les Conventions de Genève du 12 août 1949 ou l'histoire d'une adhésion avortée", in Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Vera Gowlland-Debbas (eds.), "Ordre juridique international, un systeme en quete d'équité et d'universalité: Liber amicorum George Abi-Saab" (2001)
*"La Charte Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples: une approche juridique des droits de l'homme entre tradition et modernité" (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1993)
*"The Establishment of an African Court of Human And Peoples’ Rights: A Judicial Première for the African Union", 11 "African Yearbook of International Law" 79 (2003)
*"Les mécanismes continentaux de protection de la personne humaine en Afrique - Gros plan sur la Commission africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples", 10 "U.N. Observer" (2001)
*(with Mohammed Bedjaoui) "Le forum prorogatum devant la Cour internationale de Justice: les ressources d'une institution ou la face cachée du consensualisme", 5 "African Yearbook of International Law" 91 (1997)
*"La tragédie rwandaise du printemps 1994: quelques considérations sur les premières réactions de l'Organisation des Nations Unies", 100 (1) "Revue générale de droit international public" 149 (1996)
*"L'absence de clause de dérogation dans certains traités relatifs aux droits de l'homme: Les réponses du droit international général", 98 "Revue générale de droit international public" 287 (1994)
*The Bamako Convention on Hazardous Waste: A new step in the development of the African international environmental law, 1 "African Yearbook of International Law" 195 (1993)
*The International Law of Human Rights in Africa: Basic documents and annotated bibliography, compiled by M. Hamelengwa and others, 1 "African Yearbook of International Law" 221 (1993) (Book review)


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