Omega Force

Omega Force

Omega Force (ω-Force) is a legendary video game developer working for Koei that is most famous for their amazing Dynasty Warriors series. They also continue to show their love for Gaming by following the community's every word and improving in every one of their games

Developed Games

*"Dynasty Warriors 6" (真・三國無双5) - PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, 2007
*"Sengoku Musou Katana" (戦国無双 KATANA) - Wii, 2007
*"" (戦国無双2 猛将伝) - PlayStation 2, 2007
*"" (ブレイドストーム -百年戦争-) - PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, 2007
*"Dynasty Warriors DS" (真・三國無双 DS) - Nintendo DS, 2007
*"Warriors Orochi" (無双 OROCHI) - PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, 2007
*"" (ガンダム無双) - PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, 2007
*"" (戦国無双2 Empires) - PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, 2006
*"" (真・三國無双4 Empires) - PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, 2006
*"Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2" (真・三國無双 2nd Evolution) - PlayStation Portable, 2006
*"Samurai Warriors 2" (戦国無双2) - PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, 2006
*"Dynasty Warriors 5 Special" (真・三國無双4 Special) - Xbox 360, 2005 and Windows, 2006
*"" (激・戦国無双) - PlayStation Portable, 2005
*"" (真・三國無双4 猛将伝) - PlayStation 2, 2005
*"Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper" (真・三國無双3 ハイパー) - Windows, 2005
*"Dynasty Warriors Advance" (真・三國無双 ADVANCE) - Game Boy Advance, 2005
*"Dynasty Warriors 5" (真・三國無双4) - PlayStation 2 and Xbox, 2005
*"Dynasty Warriors" (真・三國無双) - PlayStation Portable, 2004
*"" (戦国無双 猛将伝) - PlayStation 2, 2004
*"" (真・三國無双3 Empires) - PlayStation 2, 2004
*"Samurai Warriors" (戦国無双) - PlayStation 2 and Xbox, 2004
*"" (真・三國無双3 猛将伝) - PlayStation 2, 2003
*"Dynasty Warriors 4" (真・三國無双3) - PlayStation 2 and Xbox, 2003
*"" (真・三國無双2 猛将伝) - PlayStation 2, 2002
*"Dynasty Warriors 3" (真・三國無双2) - PlayStation 2, 2001 and Xbox, 2002
*"Dynasty Warriors 2" (真・三國無双) - PlayStation 2, 2000
*"" - Nintendo 64, 1999 and PlayStation 2, 2000
*"Destrega" - PlayStation, 1998
*"Dynasty Warriors" (三國無双) - PlayStation, 1997

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