

Infobox Swiss town
subject_name = Trachselwald
municipality_name = Trachselwald
municipality_type = municipality
imagepath_coa = Trachselwald-coat of arms.svg|pixel_coa=

languages = German
canton = Berne
iso-code-region = CH-BE
district = Trachselwald
postal_code = 3456
municipality_code = 0958
area = 15.98
elevation = 685|elevation_description= 660 - 1200
population = 1058|populationof=2004
website =
mayor = |mayor_asof=|mayor_party=
mayor_title = |list_of_mayors =
places =
demonym =
neighboring_municipalities= Langnau im Emmental, Lauperswil, Lützelflüh, Rüderswil, Sumiswald
twintowns = |

Trachselwald is a municipality in the district of Trachselwald in the Swiss canton of Berne.


The name of this municipality means "Drechsler-Wald" ("Woodturner-Forest) and was first mentioned in 1131. The village around Trachselwald Castle first belonged to the barons of Trachselwald, then to the barons of Rüti bei Lyssach, and then finally to the barons of Sumiswald until the sovereignty over the village was sold to the city of Berne in 1408. The castle became the sheriffhood.

In 1574 the village was destroyed by a fire. During the Swiss Peasants' War, on April 3, 1653, there was a gathering in the inn "Tanne", which became the first public appearance of the peasants' leader Niklaus Leuenberger, who was executed in Trachselwald Castle on August 27 of the same year.


The baroque church in the village was designed by Abraham Dünz in 1685. The oldest parts of the castle were built in the 12th century; nowadays it is the governor's seat of the district of Trachselwald. A Zither culture museum, which was founded in 1999 and first located in Konolfingen has been in Trachselwald since March 2003.



External links

*de icon [ Official website]
*fr icon [ Pictures of the castle and the church]
*de icon [ The Zither culture museum in Trachselwald]

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