

Infobox Former Country
native_name =
conventional_long_name = Kamerun
common_name = Kamerun|
continent = Africa
region =
country = Cameroon
era =
status = Colony
empire = German Empire
government_type = Constitutional monarchy
year_start = 1884
year_end = 1916
event_start =
date_start =
event_end =
date_end = |
p1 =
flag_p1 =
s1 = Cameroons
flag_s1 = British Cameroons Flag.gif
s2 = Cameroun
flag_s2 =

flag_type = |

symbol =

image_map_caption = Map of Kamerun|
capital = Kamerunstadt
national_motto =
national_anthem =
common_languages = German
religion =
currency = |
leader1 = William I
year_leader1 = 1884-1888
leader2 = William II
year_leader2 = 1916-1918
title_leader = Emperor
representative1 = Gustav Nachtigal
year_representative1 = 1884
representative2 = Karl Ebermaier
year_representative2 = 1914-1916
title_representative = Governor

Kamerun was an African colony of the German Empire from 1884 to 1916 in the region of today's Republic of Cameroon.

The first German trading post was founded in Douala in 1868 by the Hamburger shipping company Woermann. The protectorate was established during the "Scramble for Africa" by German explorer and imperialist Gustav Nachtigal. It was enlarged with Neukamerun in 1911 as part of the settlement of the Agadir Crisis, resolved by the treaty of Fez. It was conquered in 1916 by the Allies during World War I. Following Germany's defeat, the territory was divided into two League of Nations mandates (Class B) under the administration of Great Britain and France. French Cameroun and part of British Cameroons reunified in 1961 as Cameroon.
125px|thumb|left|">Cameroon over time


* DeLancey, Mark W., and DeLancey, Mark Dike (2000): "Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Cameroon" (3rd ed.). Lanham, Maryland: The Scarecrow Press.

* [http://unimaps.com/cameroon1914/mainmap.gifMap of the territories exchanged between France and Germany at the treaty of Fez]

ee also

History of Cameroon

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