Mahmud Shabestari

Mahmud Shabestari

Sheikh Mahmūd Shabestari (687AH.- 720AH.) (PerB|محمود شبستری) was a Sufi Muslim. His poem "Golshan-i Rāz"(The Rose Garden of the Secrets) is a brief summary of mystic thinking in Islam.


*مفاتیح‌الاعجاز فی شرح گلشن راز، تألیف شمس‌الدّین محمّد لاهیجی (912 هجری قمری)، با مقدّمه، تصحیح وتعلیقات محمّد رضا برزگر خالقی، و عفّت کرباسی، انتشارات روزبه، تهران، بهار 1378 [ Sharhe Golshane Raz in English]

External links

* [ Al-Mahdi in the Eyes of Muslim Mystics] in English
* [ Biography of Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari] in Persian
* [ Biography of Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari] in Persian
* [ Golshan Raz] in Persian
* [ Golshan Raz and its description and interpretation] in Persian

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