Qu Lei Lei

Qu Lei Lei

Qu Lei Lei (曲磊磊) (also Qu Leilei) (born 1951) [Yung Chang. (1996) [http://www.redfern-gallery.com/pages/artiststatment/223.html Preface to "A Visual Diary"] reproduced at redfern-gallery.com. Retrieved 19/03/08.] is a modern Chinese calligrapher, painter and author [Amazon, [http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Qu%20Lei%20Lei] ] currently based in the UK.

Qu grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution and spent some time forced to work as a lumberjack after his parents were branded capitalists.cite book
last = James
first = Nicholas P.
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Small Histories
publisher = C.V./Visual Arts Research
date = 12/11/2007
location = United Kingdom
pages =
url = http://books.google.com/books?id=uFCDS0d_kGMC&pg=PA60&lpg=PA60&dq=%22Qu+Lei+Lei%22&source=web&ots=3QhmeIpwEd&sig=4LVjwubKjym22lpPPWTCkyDVCNo&hl=en#PPA60,M1
doi =
id =
isbn = 1905571518
, p. 60] Later, he attended Beijing University and served as an art director at China Central Television. In 1979, as one of 28 founding member of the influential "Star Group",Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the UK. (June 16 2005) [http://www.chinese-embassy.org.uk/eng/whys/z_2_e/t200154.htm The Music of Ink: Chinese arts ancient and modern, Special event on Chinese Culture in British Museum] chinese-embassy.org.uk. Retrieved 19/03/08.] Asian Nouveau. (May 24 2005) [http://www.asiannouveau.com/newsdesk_details.php?newsdesk_id=91 New work by Qu Lei Lei at the Ashmolean] . asiannouveau.com. Retrieved 19/03/08.] also called the Stars Art Movement,Arts Council England. (2005) [http://www.thepearlawards.org.uk/html/2005_finalists_01.htm#finalists 2005 finalists: Pearl Award for Creative Excellence] pearlawards.org.uk Retrieved 19/03/08.] Qu took part in the first exhibitions of contemporary art in China. After Qu left China, he relocated to London to practice his art, lecture and exhibit internationally. The author of a number of books, including "The Simple Art of Chinese Calligraphy", "The Simple Art of Chinese Brush Painting" and "The Simple Art of Tai Chi", his paintings were exhibited at a solo display in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford in 2005, the first time in the Ashmolean Chinese exhibits that a show was devoted singly to the work of a living artist. Also in 2005, he was one of three finalists for the Arts Council England "Pearl Award for Creative Excellence".


Further reading

*cite journal
last = Winchester
first = Rupert
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Qu Lei Lei: Everyone's Life is an Epic
journal = Art AsiaPacific
volume =
issue = 46
pages = 80
publisher =
location =
date = Fall 2005
url =
doi =
id = 17940479
accessdate =

External links

* [http://www.afh.org.za/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=211&Itemid=80 Profile] at Art for Humanity

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