- Hydrogen prize
The Hydrogen Prize is a proposed financial award to encourage research into
hydrogen as analternative fuel .Legislative status
Legislation for the prize, USBill|110|H.R.|632, was passed in the U.S. House of Representatives on
May 10 ,2006 and in August 2007 it became part of the House's comprehensive energy bill, USBill|110|H.R.|3221 (which passed). A companion bill, USBill|110|S.|365, was introduced in the Senate and had very few cosponsors before it was passed as part of a more comprehensive energy bill in December 2007. President Bush signed it into law later that month.Proponents of the hydrogen prize cite benefits of reduced dependence on foreign oil, cleaner air from burning pollution-free hydrogen and new jobs.
Prize description
The prize is modeled after the privately funded
Ansari X Prize that resulted in the first privately developed crewed rocket to reach space twice.If the legislation is passed, monetary awards would be given out in three categories:
*Technological Advancements – Four prizes of up to $1 million awarded every other year in the categories of hydrogen production, storage, distribution and utilization;
*Prototypes – One prize of up to $4 million awarded every other year that forces working hydrogen vehicle prototypes to meet ambitious performance goals; and
*Transformational Technologies - One grand prize consisting of a $10 million cash award, funded in whole or in part by federal contribution. Additional matching funds could be awarded for development of wells-to-wheels breakthrough technologies. [ [http://www.house.gov/science/press/109/109-257.htm Chairman Gordon Accepts an Award from the Council of Scientific Society Presidents] ]ee also
Hydrogen economy References
External links
Other U.S. government agency-funded high tech. competitive prizes:
* [http://www.darpa.mil/grandchallenge DARPA's Grand Challenge]
* [http://centennialchallenges.nasa.gov NASA Centennial Challenges]
* [http://www.energyislife.org/?p=35&lang_view=en Hydrogen Economy]
* [http://www.dod.mil/ddre/prize Defense Department's OTHER prizes]ee also
* [http://www.universityroverchallenge.org International Mars Society's University Rover Challenge]
* [http://www.peta.org/feat_in_vitro_contest.asp People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal's / PETA's million dollar in vitro meat production prize]
* [http://www.V-Prize.com Virginia's V Prize for spaceflight breakthroughs]
* [http://www.innocentive.com Innocentive's technical challenges page]
* [http://www.XPrizeFoundation.com X Prize Foundation]
* [http://www.rocketcontest.org America's Rocketry Contest (for students)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.