

Gjurashaj, also referred to as Đurašaj and Đurašević (Serbian), is a Catholic Albanian surname. The man to which this surname is derived from went by the name of Gjurash Curri. Curri was the son of Nenad Ponti. Nenadi was the grandson of the founder of half the Trieshi tribe. The Gjurashaj's originate from the village of Nik Marash - Triesh, Malësia. Triesh is one of the seven tribes within the Albanian tribal region of Malësi e Madhe. Several well respected people come from this fis, amongst those are Maluk Vata, Mal Vuksani and his son Ded Mali. Today, most Gjurashaj's have migrated to the United States in search for a better living.

The Gjurashaj clan of Trieshi is further broken down into three larger households. The purpose to this is for a Gjurashaj to identify from which household he/she derives from.
* Gjekaj
* Prelaj
* Nikollaj"Note: Gjurashi had three sons by the names of Gjeka, Prela & Nikolla."

Notable Family Members

* Gjurash Curri - Direct ancestor
* Maluk Vata - One leader in the Battle of Lemajë (1907). This battle was fought in Triesh against the Ottomans in which victory was in favor of the Trieshjans. Maluk Vata Gjurashaj fired the first shot as a sign of declaring the war against the Turks.
* Mal Vuksani - The only brother of Lulis', Mali was famous to the locals of Malësia for his heroic actions to saving a women from his village from the grasps of a powerful pimp.
* Lul Vuksani - A famous Albanian Catholic priest who died heroically in battle against the Turks.
* Ded Mali - Son of Mal Vuksani, Deda was sent to jail at "Goli Otok" in his earlier years for presenting his pride as an Albanian.
* Prek Gjoni

External links

* http://www.gjurashaj.com/
* http://www.kohajavore.cg.yu/arhiva.phtml?akcija=vijest&id=7478

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