

Carel is a given name, and may refer to:

In artistry:

* Carel de Moor, Dutch etcher and painter
* Carel Fabritius, Dutch painter and one of Rembrandt's most gifted pupils
* Carel van Mander, Flemish painter, poet and biographer
* Carel Vosmaer, Dutch poet and art-critic

In education:

* Carel Gabriel Cobet, Dutch classical scholar
* Carel van Schaik, professor and director of the Anthropological Institute and Museum at the University of Zürich, Switzerland

In other fields:

* Carel Godin de Beaufort, Formula One driver from the Netherlands
* Carel Jan Schneider, Dutch foreign service diplomat and writer
* Carel Struycken, character actor in film, television, and stage
* Johan Carel Marinus Warnsinck, Dutch naval officer and naval historian
* Tobias Michael Carel Asser, Dutch jurist

Carel SpA is also an Italian society working in the HVAC/R market, established in 1973 and located in Brugine (Padua - Italy), specialized in the manufacturing of humidification systems and electronic controls for refrigeration and air-conditioning.

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